
because i’ve had a few people bring it up (no harm no foul!), clyburn’s actual quote is probably worth repeating in full rather than the truncated version that tells a different story
this is a message to donors that it is going to biden and if in the unlikely event it is not biden, it is going to be harris, and there will not be a third choice
Anyone remotely serious and smart knows that. Won't stop the parts of the medias biggest idiots though
but i prefer shidding in my pants.
I absolutely hate how common it is now for media to generate sensationalist headlines that have very little in common with what actually was said. Like come on . Often this is the only thing people will ever read.
This unrelated. But this post is an example. While logging off is probably what I shd do for self-care, following you genuinely helps keep me level-headed, focused and reduces my anxiety at a time where all our anxiety dialed to 11. That isn’t your job, but I wanted you to know and say: Thank-you.
A lot of far Lefties hate Clyburn because it was his vocal support of Biden in the SC primary in 2020 that basically stopped Sanders' push right in its tracks. After that Biden's momentum continued. They never forgave Clyburn after that.
This is a different interview. The truncated one is more muted but same sentiment though: he would back Harris but wants Biden to stay.