
like, it’s pretty clear that some of what’s driving all of this is biden’s unwillingness to tell donors that they’re not like the other aristocrats
no one believes in the myth of meritocracy more than the american who thinks they are different than every other american born on third base
that may in fact be a political mistake, but, boy, it’s one i have a hard time getting angry about
Just amazed that our elite press find the heirs to Disney and Walton heirs sympathetic and wronged people. We talk about how they have no self-preservation instinct wrt to Trump but is it any wonder these guys are losing business to the dumbest randos on TikTok?
The unnamed Hollywood donor allegedly whinging that "HE DIDN'T CALL ME ON MY BIRTHDAY!" was just the most insufferable reason to oust a president possible
I would think handling itchy donors would be at remove if not ignored. tho I think Biden would have words if said to his face. one thing I like about crank in chief is willingness to confront or flip off centers of power(fp establishment, nyt) that the D's normally Revere or cower from.