
working in the area of math that led to this tech has been so fucking wild because there's just no way you can trick yourself into believing a lot of linear algebra is going to add up to consciousness unless you have been marinating in the bad brain juices for decades now
I cannot overstate how important it is to understand that these guys are into AI because they’re in a literal eschatological cult
Uhhhhhh speak for yourself, my model that finds the optimal amount of milk to add to a bowl of cereal is just one or two constraints from sentience I CAN FEEL IT!!!
Goddamnit, this was a Cryptonomicon reference, wasn’t it? I hate that my brain keeps this sort of shit filed away rather than literally anything useful.
Haha no it was not but now I need to know what that is 🤣
There’s an agonizingly long digression in that book about the ideal amount, temperature and flow speed of milk to add to Captain Crunch, culminating in a design for a spoon that delivers calibrated doses of milk per spoonful. Three guesses at which book Stephenson got too big to edit.