
Bringing back this 2016 banger: Hi! During the upheaval of your glorious revolution, I need to know what kind of healthcare you'll have in place. People who depend on steady supplies of lifesaving medication don't suddenly stop existing during a revolution.
If you think we're expendable, I think your revolution is trash. I'm all for burning down an oppressive system, but not in a way that treats vulnerable people as acceptable losses.
(Appreciate the point, and I’m more communist than anarchist, but unless you think people in Gaza are expendable then the status quo is also trash) -the most Bluesky post
I was actually just about to say something about that but my browser keeps lagging. I also did say I'm in favor of burning down oppressive systems.
Yeah but i got your point like some revolution fever is like so black pilled, like caring about people isn’t a switch people remember to flip on like in a dexter episode or something