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bree (total content)

you can’t kill me faster than i can
So like just shut the fuuuuck uuuuup about "someone called me white 6 months ago" when you and your friends **constantly** spread lies about people. Pick a lane. The only "homeless trans woman" you give a shit about is yourself Alsvid. Everyone was right to question your motivations on this topic.
idk i personally would try something more along the lines of like “hey this is a pretty disturbing accusation and the evidence seems pretty conclusive. do you have anything you’d like to say for yourself?”
not sure this is the best way to address “hey your friend donated to and attempted to charge back from my paypal in order to try to get my name and prove im not a trans woman” but i’ll defer to alsvid’s expertise i guess
you guys wouldn’t have had to try to social-murder a homeless trans woman for imagined crimes like “agreeing with me” if you hadn’t been so busily working to prove everything i’ve said about you accurate — at least enough that she noticed and felt it necessary to say anything
not sure this is the best way to address “hey your friend donated to and attempted to charge back from my paypal in order to try to get my name and prove im not a trans woman” but i’ll defer to alsvid’s expertise i guess
that's a shame, you know... your good friend alsvid really wants this to be busted wide open. She keeps saying, "Jessica please!! Tell everyone on bluesky what my friend did to make you block us" and I'm like "nah it's not right, it has been 3 months, and maybe 007bistromath is really trans"
Running away, 007bistromath?
every one of those blocks read what i had to say about neil gaiman, never been more proud of my spot on the leaderboard ngl ur only #6 in top blocks of 72 hrs I honestly thought u would be higher smh
Can someone leave a reply to this just so I can see if the Bluesky comments widget is working?
Wrote a little post about Nostr and ATProto:
anyway, interesting development!
morons and snakes indeed
this crosses out of spite and right into malice. im impressed, i didn’t think alsvid had it in her
it’s rare that someone ends up being worse than i had estimated tbh, let alone so significantly
OK, well would the rest of you kindly examine this? I am homeless. Alsvid's clique donated to my paypal then ordered a chargeback, starting a lengthy dispute process and trying to find my dead name. The user was named 007bistromath and is a close friend of alsvid.
Jessica Robot blocked me for reasons obscure to my person a while ago, so now I'm taking a long Penance Walk in the wilderness to think about what I did.
that image shows all of it: 1) user lying about my name 2) the paypal dispute, which I won 3) medication with my name on it, showing I am trans 4) alsvid saying she is friends with the person in question I can't make this any easier for you. 007bistromath is a mutual aid scammer. I promise. Okay?
OK, well would the rest of you kindly examine this? I am homeless. Alsvid's clique donated to my paypal then ordered a chargeback, starting a lengthy dispute process and trying to find my dead name. The user was named 007bistromath and is a close friend of alsvid.
also alsvid this was about you
bsky people are terrible. you show them genuine kindness and you think you're friends, but they're faking it so they can mock you in some gossipy discord. When you ask why they seem to dislike you, they throw out a pretense of not even understanding their surroundings: "huh, where am I? who am I??"
morons and snakes indeed
“i could have had 1000 eyes on these fundraisers” yeah maybe, but i didn’t click that publish button for you and i certainly didn’t click “delete account” for you either. sit with that or continue to be a sulking coward i don’t care
you wrote a half-assed article riddled with the most basic fucking factual inaccuracies while presenting yourself as the Situation Understander and it predictably blew up in your face — the fault’s all yours, just as the hubris was
you wrote a half-assed article riddled with the most basic fucking factual inaccuracies while presenting yourself as the Situation Understander and it predictably blew up in your face — the fault’s all yours, just as the hubris was
The Neil Gaiman allegations don't surprise me, but what does is the fact that he thought "look, all I did was screw an 18-year-old fan when I was over 60 and also screw my 21-year-old live-in employee on her first day, it wasn't WEIRD or anything. They're both just crazy" would exonerate him.
and i don’t know what the hell is with this “gree” thing but if the goal is to keep me from seeing you guys pissing and moaning it doesn’t work, it just comes off as juvenile and petty
to be clear im not gloating this is a genuine plea to you that if you think you can do better and be better, you should be working on that instead of this corrosive sulking bullshit you’ve been at for months
guess anonsee didn't like all the attention neil gaiman was getting
thinking about the guy on here who was acting like it might take neil gaiman until monday to hear from his lawyer. please, God, make me that stupid
you won’t learn from this, i know, but i do wish you would
you guys wouldn’t have had to try to social-murder a homeless trans woman for imagined crimes like “agreeing with me” if you hadn’t been so busily working to prove everything i’ve said about you accurate — at least enough that she noticed and felt it necessary to say anything
you guys wouldn’t have had to try to social-murder a homeless trans woman for imagined crimes like “agreeing with me” if you hadn’t been so busily working to prove everything i’ve said about you accurate — at least enough that she noticed and felt it necessary to say anything
If you find yourself turning away from the knowledge that Gaiman will have to be excised from the publishing world and from sff in particular, overwhelmed by the emotional and personal conflicts this could cause, you need to reexamine your values and the kind of world you want to help make.
"all of my trans women coworkers are nice and love me, ur just bad trannies" they're super nice to u because they actually have no other choice. they know if there's a dispute between u and them, they will lose. u cannot actually be this stupid
This is about believing women! You people are falling for the 'Amber Heard was no angel' shit all over again but you're using _my_ human rights as an excuse for misogyny this time. I do not like that!