
The Moderate Centrist Brain™️ is fascinating to behold. Zero historical knowledge or political understanding. Just pure vibes and dogshit takes.
This is what I don’t understand about American politics. It feels like Democrats fight like hell over a very small sliver of the voter demographics who mostly don’t like them anyways, and completely ignore a much larger pool of voters who would be an easier sell.
I feel like the most obvious answer to this one is “capitalism” but it doesn’t really explain to me why the Dems don’t at least just *lie* to appeal to the left.
CA Gov Newsom is pretty much already doing what you suggest. He says he supports universal guaranteed healthcare but arranges for any bill for it to be strangled in committee in the legislature. He says he supports green energy but CA is strangely the only state without a fossil fuel extraction tax.
the way the legislature made a big show of sending all those single-payer bills to Schwarzenegger to veto, just to abruptly stop once Newsom took office 🤬
Actually there was a single-payer bill this year called CalCare that went through the legislative process til it was killed in committee. It was not especially well reported on by major media outlets here.
I think that’s what she was saying tho — killed in committee / never got to his desk
Oh, you're right, I mis-read that. It's 100% true. When we have a Republican governor, the lege passes single-payer bills and expect them to be vetoed, and when we have a Dem governor, the legislature makes sure he won't be in the position of having to veto it.
It shows such contempt and how much they’re just doing pro-wrestling
OTOH, if California voters were paying the slightest bit of attention, they'd elect better reps. I think a lot of Democratic voters here just coast on vibes.
personally, i’m still pissed that year-round DST died in committee despite passing a ballot prop and everything. then kansen chu decided not to even run again. i liked alex lee, but then he got redistricted away. the whole situation is infuriating
I didn't know there was an API caucus for universal healthcare! Awesome!
It’s a relatively new statewide network. It formed after some other pro-single payer morganizations were wrecked by pro-SB770 operatives in 2023.
I'm on the board of a single-payer organization here in Butte County and I think I know exactly who at least one of those operatives is. I'm curious as to which orgs you think got wrecked though.
There’s a cabal of them operating in alliance with neolibs and insurers under the banner of “Unified Financing.” API for CC was initiated by M4A activists out of Progressive Asian Network for Action, one of those orgs. LA Chapter of DSA another. PNHP-CA, another. They target all grassroots SP orgs.
Excellent. Ash Kalra sounds like a good assemblymember.
IDK if there are any others that don’t take corporate financing?
I’m so sick of that shit Ds love doing it when they don’t have both houses of congress too you can just feel them playing in your face assuming that we’re not able to add one plus zero
They've successfully weaponized progressive issues against us. When Rs are in power they say they don't have the votes, and that we need to elect more Ds. When they are in power, they say they have to "reach across the aisle" and focus on "bipartisanship" even though Rs stonewall everything
It’s infuriating and beyond that I want to scream endlessly at the claims that somehow genocide Joe is 「 the most pro-labour president ever ! 」 and 「 the most environmentally friendly president ever ! 」 and other such nonsense