
I used to think so. Now I have the switch where I can’t post without alt text. Use it - always. Take the time to do it.
And also I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with not using alt text.
What kind of flex is it anyway to be arguing about not allowing more people to see your content anyway. I'll never get that, since I use a screen reader from time to time and have no idea what images without alt-text are supposed to be when I do
since search results include alt text, it also makes it easier to find pics of things that people have posted but otherwise not mentioned the fandom/chatacter name/etc of in the text of the post.
Never thought of that. Adds even more reason to add it!
This also works with mute words for pics you *don't* wanna see
purposely not using alt text once you know about it is a silent way of saying "fuck blind people, etc."
if you don't have the spoons to copy and paste the text from the image and / or also write a description of what sighted folks are intended to get out of the image, then... maybe don't post an image right now. that happens to me alllll the time. 🤷🏼
I don't think that's the solution, either, as people with chronic illness such as ME/CFS have a right to exist and be included. A better solution is to pester bsky into letting us add alt-text on images that are missing alt-text (at least before sharing them). 1/2
Until that happens, encouraging people to ask for help and writing alt-text in the comments, or resharing with alt-text are circumstantionally okay solutions. Not ideal, but at least inclusive . 2/2
oh definitely, you’re preaching to the choir… i have ME and i’m an artist who posts my work on here, and i agree, it takes a lot of energy and effort. but for *me,* it’s like if i can’t afford to tip (which is only fair w/ current system), then i’m not going to order out.
seriously. it takes me 5-10 min to write and edit 4 images’ worth of alt text when i post art, otherwise i’d post more of it. but i also won’t compromise on accessibility, so… i’ll just post them when i do have the energy for alt text. 🤷🏼
I understand the sentiment! I often opt not to post photos for the same reason; but I also have friends who would never be able to post if they didn't ask for help with alt-text as an alternative. Looking forward to checking your work out!
That happens to me on days when the brain fog is bad and words are hard. But it does suck to feel even more isolated on those days when I could post a reaction gif or reply to someone’s request for cute dog pics. I don’t post. But I think it’s fine to say that sucks for us.
agreed. 😔
oh definitely, you’re preaching to the choir… i have ME and i’m an artist who posts my work on here, and i agree, it takes a lot of energy and effort. but for *me,* it’s like if i can’t afford to tip (which is only fair w/ current system), then i’m not going to order out.