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Cabin dwelling writer deep in the Maine Woods. Walker of quiet places. Teacher: Social Studies & Environmental Ed, kayaking, Dungeons & Dragons, and avid snacker.
The wild hounds are singing tonight. Now I know why the cat came inside early.
Pain, unfriendly reminder bound to this flesh prison. Bound to baby mouse belly rubs. Bound to thrush song. Bound to hues set and risen by moon & sun. Bound to waterfall showers. Bound to rain in autumn forests. Bound to deep winter quiet. Bound to soulful music. Bound a bit longer.
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It's my birthday today!!! Can I ask for some shares? My four latest works. :) I also finished my annual selfportrait, this time in graphite. I messed up the proportions and had to fix it in post using liquify, so let's consider this a digital-traditional art :D
Gracie, back up. I don't make you bathe with me. Five minutes later... Snore Her return to outdoor adventures makes for sound sleeping through the night.
Monster movie and bourbon....engage. Let's see what Godzilla and Kong have going on in this movie.
My crow must've told his pals about the burritos. I threw leftovers half an hour ago, and it is a Saturday evening party at the Miller cabin. Two crow couples and some sassy ladies. Hahaha
Paddle,paddle....swamp roses,loons,and clouds...oh my. :)
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I’ve reconnected with a few friends on here recently so sharing my most recent EP again. 2 tracks, 12 mins each. The first is much like stuff I’ve released before. The second is similar, but all done on guitars and bass instead of synths. Stream in full free or download for pay-what-you-want here:
nothing has changed // everything is different, by The Least, 2 track album
My chonk. Ten minutes ago she demanded to be outside for the night. Now, she is asleep in this spot.
Hahaha! When you look out the back door and see a crow with a burrito in the trees. I threw leftovers outside this morning. Sorry for the pic quality but she doesn't sit still long and I zoomed through a screen door.
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How many stingy things do you think live in here? Poke it with a stick,right? Hahaha (No stingy things were harmed.)
Look beyond sunglitter and into the depths...I know that guy looking back...sparkling shadow.
Rock ringed pool filled with light and buttercups....I feel baited in the forest of fae.
I loaded 20 Seek app challenges. My day is being spent taking pictures for badges and loading to inaturalist. Next stop...the woods. Lol
I love weather days like today. It is a sunny 64°F, no humidity and a lovely breeze. I'm a fan of autumn, and it feels like autumn.
Closed the windows since it is 50°F outside. Freaking Maine, blazing hot to chilly.
Yeah, send the cops. Music and poetry should be loud.
Can we sit the old white guys down and run Kamala vs Nikki? Listening to both these guys is insane. They should be at home yelling at the tv not on stage.
Pretty. Dark fishing spider living in a kayak.
Adventure time. I'm leaving the canoes in the school garage but grabbing the kayaks. The local kids know I have boats for them all summer. :)
Human, I've been waiting for you. Open the door and let me inside. Gracie seems unimpressed with me today.
Throwing dice and playing D&D with students is a lot of fun, but kids. I wish I could get a local group of adults to play. Ah, a weekly game would be amazing.
The remains of the neighbor's rooster are in my yard. That's two of their flock dead at my place in a week.
Time to feed the crow. She's yelling for snacks.
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Good morning all with some #talltreetuesday and El Capitan #yosemite
Hahahaha!!!! Owns an oil company and sells car dreams have come true! Haha, the bots on this site are something else.
Meh. This is all....meh.