
The Right lost their minds at Obama because he was the proof that despite all of the efforts to keep integration from happening (and it hasn’t happened), desegregation still works. Brown v Board was and is always the target.
They have created their own networks of primary and secondary schools. They have created or are creating their own towns. They have created their own state and federal representative districts. They have their own churches with their own gospel. We remain a segregated society.
Absolutely. The current conservative movement dates exactly back to when segregation ended. They moved from caring about the economy to all these social wedge social issues designed to get racists into office.
Which dates precisely to the rise of police unions as a response to the unrest of the 1960s.
Right. Though it’s not like the police in the 1950’s (or before) were that great either.
True, but the union protections came about just as real talk about police being held accountable for their actions during the unrest began.
Milliken v Bradley was to Brown what Dodd was to Roe.
We knew it would piss them off. We did it, just the same.