
A lot of people forget that Hillary’s campaign had more Black women staffed on it than any other before or since in US history, but I certainly don’t. There is a *reason* for that loyalty despite her dipshit comments, but not a single person cares to ask. Says a lot about them, I think.
This is a rant I have had for a while, but the first First Lady with a postgraduate degree, Watergate lawyer, children’s rights activist, US Senator and Secretary of State was not a weak fucking candidate. She was more progressive than Biden in every conceivable way. She got fucked over.
Also, I will never ever forget that Hillary gave a speech about Donald Trump’s support among white supremacists and how deeply dangerous it would be for the country in August 2016, played it up, insisted on coverage, and people just fucking ignored it because it wasn’t enough of a spectacle
Rush Limbaugh put a proverbial target on her back and scapegoated her and it just stuck.
100% the candidate I would most want to have a beer with in my lifetime