
If Harris is being asked to step up, I know exactly how to make her shine: "Without a proper and fair legal process to broadcast, Democrats must bring the courtroom to the campaign. Convert the nation into a jury and our ballots into verdicts."
The People v. Donald Trump | Dame There is a pathway for Democrats to maintain power: Treat the GOP presidential candidate like the criminal he is and bring the courtroom to the campaign.
Kaitlin, this article is incredible! I'm fired up!
Thank you! I really appreciate that! And I’m glad I could give you something to be enthusiastic about. I’m firmly anti-doomer about politics.
Agree! Make the case of what trump did, how is a crook surrounded by crooks, how his judges took away Roe and gave him immunity. That's what a rigged system looks like, but we will still hold to the rule of law.
And everyone would have to agree "prosecuting" is where she shines. Get her all the air time and rallies you can, even though people will say it's to cover for Biden. A, it IS to cover for him - it's needed, and B, it's a reminder that you're not just voting for Biden, you're voting for a team