
My sincere post today is that the full version of all of our major foundational documents should be taught from K-12 so no one who graduates high school enters adulthood without knowing how our government works
Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
I was shocked that my kids could graduate high school without a civics class. They both ended up taking AP US Government or something like that, but most of their classmates didn’t, which is scandalous.
I didn’t have to either, and I attended an extremely expensive private school (on scholarship)
I went to a public high school in Shreveport, Louisiana in the late 80s with an naturalized citizen as principal and teachers who grew up in the Jim Crow south and 10th grade Civics was one of the centerpieces of our education. Sadly a short-lived and rare experience.
My US history teacher in HS (GA, late 60s) was a naturalized Italian immigrant. We did a lengthy unit focused on the Constitution, delving into great detail about the what & the why. Citizenship test for me is 2 yrs later was a breeze bcs of his thorough teaching. Many immigrants are patriots!
Always have been, which is one of the keystones of these United States.
Surprisingly, people who make incredible sacrifices to be here are deeply invested in being here