
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Simplified novels can be great for kids or for people who don’t have an easy time with reading. But writing them takes skill and it takes sensitivity - both to the original author and to the eventual reader. AI won’t give us that.
This is like automated captions, or translations. Not as good as hand made, but infinitely cheaper, and so infinitely more available. (And available *in parallel* with the original) But if you want to donate your time to producing bespoke simplifications of classics nobody is stopping you
If such things are worthwhile and there's enough demand, pay a human to do it properly.
Are you familiar with the concept of people paying other people for the things they want?
And occasionally a well simplified version will find a market. But for the other million books published every year we now have a free alternative. Not sure how that's a bad thing. LLMs are excellent at producing summaries. They're a useful tool