gamera obscura

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gamera obscura

robin sky leigh

writer | wastrel
socialist | singer
rabble | rouser

she | her
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I'll never stop being angry at how they've treated him and how others like him are treated by the "mainstream" party, and the same here even moreso.
A kinder, fairer world IS possible.
If you set off fireworks in the parking lot I should be allowed to come over and break your arms with a mallet. That’s what freedom means to me.
A kinder, fairer world IS possible.
One pro-Palestine voice in the heart of one of the poles of Empire. Jeremy Corbyn’s statement on his win is out on Twitter:
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Well, I think we’ve got the new Biden campaign messaging strategy
“Look, folks. There are no “gooner states” and “edging states”, we are the United States!”
In spite of years of disingenuous, discredited slander from the establishment.
A 9-year daily campaign of hate and lies against him from the entire UK press, but his constituents know the truth. Absolutely smashed it. 24,120 votes compared to the 16,873 the right-wing, private healthcare Red Tory wanker Labour ran against him.
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HE DID IT (this is what labour call ‘close’ apparently)
please. PLEASE
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If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
Starting a cottage industry selling my neighbors’ blown-off fingers as fetishes.
I cradle my grief, a swaddled child Fast against the hostile world I carry her from room to room in an empty house I sing wordless comfort She cries out to me in my own voice.
yearning has agency. weight. osmium-dense it takes up residence in your chest, uninvited, assertive, feet on the sofa and up all hours, disrupting routine with chaos and turning the gentle reflex of breath into arrhythmic gasping. and still, better its rude intrusion than nothing at all.
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Conservative SCOTUS justices gave Biden a free pass to do whatever the fuck he wants until the election because they know he’s bitch made and won’t do shit.
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feel like this is such an important point about accessibility overall people don't realize that framing someone's everyday lived experience as something inherently negative is not sympathy or solidarity it's actually extremely fucked up!
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
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Thinking about all the libs who lectured antifa for years.
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It is pretty interesting in retrospect that when Bernie ran I remember a lot of news people going “how can you be doing all this CLASS WAR stuff?” “How can you be dividing us along those lines?” and meanwhile their rich buddies were like “yeah about five years until crime becomes legal for us lol”
We won’t live to see the better world we fight for. But someone will. And I fight for them.
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Remembering how people would share Scalia dissents and be like “I disagree with his politics but he has a way with words!!” and they all read like if a school shooter wrote A Confederacy of Dunces
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“Plans are already in motion to use this new, historic court decision as a legal shield to help a potential second Trump administration implement his extreme policy agenda with less concern for rules and laws, sources with knowledge of the matter say.”
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We are meant to notice language changing in our lifetimes, meant to see shifts in fashion, in hairstyles, the march of progress and the pace of technology. We are not meant to watch ancient forests wither and seas rise. This feels so monstrously abnormal - so wrong it breaks our minds.
When I go back to New (to me) England it's overwhelming how much the climate has changed since I was a kid. Even the desert I'm in now is suffering
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One of the most painful things about our American crisis is how it takes focus away from climate change - the single most important issue of our lifetimes. Of any lifetimes. The first 6 months of 2024 were the hottest ever measured. So far.
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The Federalist Society is a terroristic threat to America. And if the president has the freedom to act in any way he sees fit to stop such a threat, I want to see firing squads at the ready. Otherwise we’re just grabbing our ankles for the right. Again.
where are some precision drone strikes when you actually need them? we’re absolutely at the point where assassination of the opposition is not only forgivable; it is imperative.
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Do not lose hope. Scream, yell, demand better, and say these thieves' names. You are being given less so that others can have more, you are having things taken from you by corporations because they must always please the nebulous form of the shareholder.
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i don't know whether AOCs call for impeaching the justices will be the right one (it doesn't have a chance in hell of getting through), but the conversation has to start with congress, who are prime offenders in letting the court get to this point, and i'm encouraged someone there recognizes that
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
I deleted my original post, because I can see how it can be read as advocating for a position I do not hold, and do not endorse. Apologies to anyone I might have misled, but not to the scolds I popped off at, because I probably would have been mean to them, anyway. Go in peace.
Voting to me is a given. It’s the least you can do but it’s likely that it’s not ever going to have the impact you want it to.
Not American, but every leftist I've known has been intensely involved in the real world. Voting would count as the least of their political activities. (Which is probably why some see it as so disposable, you see far more results in protests that force change in government and business spheres.)
I understand that “fuck voting” leftists exist, and I empathize with them even if I don’t agree. But it is far more likely the person you’re wagging your finger at is caucusing with Dems and knocking doors with Dems, and remains vocally frustrated at the party’s historic unwillingness to act.
There’s a tendency to assume that those to the left of you are disengaged from the process because they lament voters’ lack of power. Or because they criticize democrats. But every leftist I know is working hard every single day to ensure more progressives and more leftists in the halls of power.
There’s a tendency to assume that those to the left of you are disengaged from the process because they lament voters’ lack of power. Or because they criticize democrats. But every leftist I know is working hard every single day to ensure more progressives and more leftists in the halls of power.