
What’s funny is that Biden is still forgiving student debt anyway — using statutory authority left intact by the Supreme Court’s obstruction of his original approach. After 25 years of mostly working at nonprofits, I just had my remaining balance canceled without even having to ask for relief.
Not a "gotta hand it to Biden" guy but if it was up to Biden he would have forgiven the debt. It was up to the conservative SCOTUS, which agreed with Republican AGs that he couldn't do it.
PSLF isn't something Biden did. That was already a policy before Biden.
As I’ve noted in answer to a couple of other replies, I never enrolled in PSLF — or even filed paperwork for it.
But that's what you got. You got loan forgiveness from public service. You are trying to tell me Biden just addressed you personally and forgave your debt? Where is my $150k then?
You’re quibbling with something I didn’t say. As I noted, he’s using available statutory authority — including PSLF, to make my meaning explicit — to secure some of the policy outcome he sought. When you argue “this already existed,” you’re agreeing with me.
20 years of loan payment forgiveness also already existed as a policy. Like, basically the *only* thing the admin did for you was fill out your paperwork for you since you didn't know it was availabel.
Again, I did know it existed; the administration is working to make it self-executing, rather than requiring the submission of copious paperwork. But that’s a policy change! Surely you don’t argue that the program was self-executing before.
I mean, sheesh, just compare the number of people who got it pre-Biden with the number who’ve gotten it under Biden.
Exactly! The comparison’s a dead-simple one to make.
It's not an expansion of what was available! op is just basically admitting he was a dunce and didn't know what programs already existed. If.he worked nonprofits for 10 years he basically made 10 years of extra payments that he didn't need to make. Biden owes him money.
Prior to Biden around 7,000 people had gotten PSLF. As of now it’s over 700,000. That’s a heck of a lot of dunces, according to you.
Because people just started to be eligible omg it was passed in 2007 nobody said the process wasn't improved he just didn't create a new program. George W created PSLF.
There is a vast difference in "he's forgiving student loans!" to "he streamlined the current policy."
1) If the effect of streamlining is to eliminate more debt than on the prior baseline, that’s a material change; 2) to correct you further, I hadn’t done the paperwork because I knew I didn’t yet qualify. The admin is _also_ streamlining income-based repayment; that’s what applied to me.
3) Muting you now, because you’re determined to nitpick arguments for your own gratification. Seek that satisfaction elsewhere.