
What’s funny is that Biden is still forgiving student debt anyway — using statutory authority left intact by the Supreme Court’s obstruction of his original approach. After 25 years of mostly working at nonprofits, I just had my remaining balance canceled without even having to ask for relief.
Not a "gotta hand it to Biden" guy but if it was up to Biden he would have forgiven the debt. It was up to the conservative SCOTUS, which agreed with Republican AGs that he couldn't do it.
They’re doing good work, folks. Biden’s team at Ed is doing very good, creditable work.
The Biden Administration has made SAVE retroactive for 10 years, meaning that anyone who took out less than $12k of student loans and has been repaying for 10 years IMMEDIATELY has rest of their students loans cancelled. Community college students will receive most of this relief. Spread the word!
Statement from President Joe Biden on Early Student Debt Cancellation for Borrowers Enrolled in From Day One of my Administration, I vowed to fix the student loan system and make sure higher education is a pathway to the middle class – not a barrier to opportunity. Already, my Administration h...
Congrats! By the way, if you do know anyone who is willing to "ASK" for relief, there is a great tool from that generates a letter to request relief under existing statutory authority. It takes less than 5 minutes. :)
How does one find this tool? Is there a website? Not seeing links from the bsky profile…
Hi Miri! You should be able to see it from the front page of There should be a big blue box that says "Cancel Student Debt" and that will explain more.
Debt As the first union of debtors our aim is to abolish debts and advocate for a transformation in the way public goods and services are distributed.
He is. $132B to date. I’m so happy for you!
Neat. Glad you made it through the hoops of the means testing set up for most to fail. It's still half measures and insufficient.
If SCOTUS makes a another horribly bad call on what presidents can get away with to the thrill of Trump then
it's nice but sucks for those of us who desperately need relief but won't get it
100 percent. More absolutely needs to be done; still, I’m glad the administration hasn’t given up.
What's sad is how national news media treat this - and other - WH accomplishments.
I am getting emails from my apparent new loan company that say “payment due $0” it’s all been such a roller coaster ride.
Congrats! I'm am T-minus 8 months from forgiveness myself. Gonna throw myself a party when it happens.
Yeah unless you’re on r/StudentLoans seeing people post hundreds of times a day about their loans being forgiven- you wouldn’t know.
PSLF isn't something Biden did. That was already a policy before Biden.
As I’ve noted in answer to a couple of other replies, I never enrolled in PSLF — or even filed paperwork for it.
But that's what you got. You got loan forgiveness from public service. You are trying to tell me Biden just addressed you personally and forgave your debt? Where is my $150k then?
You’re quibbling with something I didn’t say. As I noted, he’s using available statutory authority — including PSLF, to make my meaning explicit — to secure some of the policy outcome he sought. When you argue “this already existed,” you’re agreeing with me.
20 years of loan payment forgiveness also already existed as a policy. Like, basically the *only* thing the admin did for you was fill out your paperwork for you since you didn't know it was availabel.
Again, I did know it existed; the administration is working to make it self-executing, rather than requiring the submission of copious paperwork. But that’s a policy change! Surely you don’t argue that the program was self-executing before.
Whoa was that without prior PSLF enrollment?
like you didn't even have to submit the paperwork for PSLF?
No, not at all. I’d opened the tool once, but never even bothered to start filling it out.
i have a friend in a similar situation to what you describe who i'm not sure will qualify under the exact letter of PSLF but def has over 10 years of nonprofit experience. did you do *anything* or it just magically vanished?
I woke up in the middle of the night Pacific time with a bunch of emails blowing up the two client apps on my phone, and I opened one to find a message about one of my Stafford loans. Thinking that autopay might have failed, I logged in to check, and … (*poof*) they had all gone.
that is amazing! so glad for you. I'll let my friend know ~things are mysteriously happening~ but she should probably still try to apply for PSLF just in case
wow! that's wild. I spent 2012-2022 diligently submitting PSLF paperwork every year and it did get forgiven last year (yay!) but I am extremely detail oriented and admin-minded. glad others are getting relief w/o all the rigmarole.
Don’t let facts get in the way of Dave’s narrative Greg. That’s not what journalists like him are for.
So many of my friends did too! It was really great!