
“The House recently passed, 382-11, a bill that would allow the Treasury secretary to revoke the tax-exempt status of ‘terrorist-supporting organizations.’” It would be nice of Dems to make a habit of thinking just _one_ step ahead, when making laws, to wonder how the worst Republican might use it.
...You're not talking about churches losing their tax exempt status, are you?
Like ones where Operation Rescue and other anti-abortion extremists might have met? Heavens' no, not those groups. We mean the ones that gather food for refugees.
The center/center-right part of the Democratic party just loves a loaded gun that can only realistically be pointed left...
Or whoever funds the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers?
Apeing authoritarians is seldom a good idea.
Read this as "appeasing authoritarians" and reached the same conclusion.
I appreciate them giving Dark Brandon the power to unilaterally deny tax-exempt status for the NRA, GOA, etc., ADF, Operation Rescue, Oath Keepers [sic], and book banners, and I can’t see any possible way it could backfire horribly with a different president.
Which is hilarious because they will avoid anything positive on the basis of "Republicans might use it against us"
Funny how they never manage that and make sure they never have to be in the presence of anybody who might so much as hint that they should.
This surely will be used to suppress speech because every university, however wealthy, relies on federal funding; and any non-profit necessarily does so as well through for-profit status.
Citing the Politico article with the novel length correction. Cool cool.
The Treasury already could do that. These are symbolic votes that accomplish nothing if passed and are Fox News fodder if blocked
As the piece explains: "Providing material support to terrorism is, of course, already illegal, and nonprofits that violate those laws should be shut down. But the House bill gives the executive branch the power to make these determinations unilaterally."
Neoliberal enabling is how we got to this extreme.
“The House recently passed, 382-11, a bill that would allow the Treasury secretary to revoke the tax-exempt status of ‘terrorist-supporting organizations.’” It would be nice of Dems to make a habit of thinking just _one_ step ahead, when making laws, to wonder how the worst Republican might use it.