
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, a line goes. Maybe it would better serve the U.S. if its system of government trusted no one — not even judges, perhaps especially not them — with any semblance of absolute power.
The sad thing, the thing that really breaks me, is that for tens of millions of our neighbors, friends, and family, it will never dawn on them that the likes of Alito and Thomas and Trump are actually all of the bad things they project onto others. That they are the bad guys.
Again: perhaps it would serve these United States better if its system of government trusted no one, not even jurists possessed of impeccable character, with absolute power.
BREAKING: Justice Sam Alito refuses to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases or Trump cases in letter to Congress. "My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not," he writes. Background at Law Dork:
Justices don't have absolute power because of trust. They have absolute power because the body that's supposed to hold them accountable, congress, is totally non-functional.
Yep, but part of that dysfunction was engineered by the political movement that elevated Alito and ideologically similar justices to the Court.