
The U.S. needed crusading journalism for the health and protection of the republic; instead, the Times trips over itself to deliver crusading journalism against trans folks, Black presidents of Harvard, and Joe Biden.
It's been days and eight of nine links at the top of the NYT right now are about the same thing
To repeat a point worth bearing in mind, the Times pretends it can’t crusade, insisting that it must never do so — but that’s balderdash. The paper is more than capable of winding itself up — but the health of the republic isn’t what does that. Trans people and campus leftist: that’s the stuff.
It’s not that the institution of the Times _can’t_ crusade, as the paper’s former executive editor implied during the Trump years. Rather, democracy just isn’t what winds up present-day Times leadership. The defense of a certain social order is.
BBC World Service - Newshour, New York Times: "We're not supposed to be leaders of the resistance Dean Baquet, Executive Editor of the NYT, on challenges to journalism in the Trump era
(^ campus _leftists_, plural)
Yep: the Times crusades, and it’s decidedly conspicuous about selecting subjects — trans kids, Ivy League presidents, Biden’s age — to crusade about.
In this chat, we suggest a distinction between covering something (NYT does great reporting on Trump's autocratic plans), and *crusading.* The latter is wholly different: It uses saturation coverage to alert readers that they should be alarmed. That's just not happening w/r/t Trump's unfitness.