
The NZ Govt is now looking at a SECOND seabed mining proposal for an area south of where TTR wants to extract 50 million tonnes of seabed every year for 30 years. It could be the thin end of the wedge for an industry that wants to treat the sea floor like an open-cast mine, both here and globally.
Further afield, in the Pacific Ocean, other companies want to mine the deep sea floor for metals with machines that will put whole ecosystems at risk. So far, they have faced stiff opposition, but if seabed mining here in Aotearoa gets underway, it's a precedent that will be harder to stop them.
With iwi, hapū and eNGOs, we've managed to stop TTR so far, but most recently, they pulled out of an EPA hearing where they were fighting a losing battle to pin their hopes on the Fast Track Bill. This new application is going straight for the Fast Track
Second seabed mining company threatens to turn seas into open-cast mine - Greenpeace Greenpeace says a second application for a prospecting permit to mine off the coast of Taranaki highlights the dangers of the Fast Track Approvals Bill.
We'll continue to fight seabed mining both here in Aotearoa, and globally. The next International Seabed Authority (ISA) Council meeting begins in Kingston, Jamaica very soon. We’ll be there again, urging world leaders to prioritise marine protection over deep sea mining interests.
Governments meeting there in Kingston have an historic opportunity to get ahead of a new extractive industry and stop it before it starts. Imagine if we could go back in time and stop oil drilling, preventing the ongoing climate crisis and countless oil spills!
Whatever the rules are to exploit the seabed, there is no sustainable seabed mining in the deep sea or here in Aotearoa. It risks irreversible damage to our oceans and threatens frontline communities. Governments must call it out and fight for ocean protection.
Already, 24 governments as well as scientists, fisheries, finance sectors, and civil society are calling for a halt on deep sea mining. It is time to send a clear signal, hot on the heels of a historic Global Ocean Treaty, that the era of ocean destruction is over. Sign the petition here
PETITION: Stop deep sea Deep sea mining is a new and dangerous threat to the oceans. Join our call to urge the New Zealand Government to support a global ban