Greenpeace Aotearoa

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Greenpeace Aotearoa

Our mission is to ensure Earth's ability to nurture life in all its diversity.

Authorised by Greenpeace Aotearoa, 11 Akiraho Street, Auckland
The NZ Govt is now looking at a SECOND seabed mining proposal for an area south of where TTR wants to extract 50 million tonnes of seabed every year for 30 years. It could be the thin end of the wedge for an industry that wants to treat the sea floor like an open-cast mine, both here and globally.
This STINKS! The cronies, with numerous conflicts of interest, paid $1200/day, are appointed to decide without scrutiny, which projects will be fast-tracked. The list of projects was not made available to anyone to consider in their submissions #nzpol
Hurricane Beryl isn’t 'unbelievable'—it's a direct result of decades of fossil fuel pollution, according to the experts. 🌪️ This storm should be a wake-up call for the politicians here and everywhere who continue to enable the oil industry 👇 #HurricaneBeryl #ClimateChange
'Historic' Category 5 Hurricane Beryl Offers Terrifying View of Future | Common "Beryl isn't 'unbelievable,'" one expert said. "it's what happens when you heat up the planet with fossil fuel pollution for decades."
Why IS the government increasing speed limits despite extensive research highlighting the benefits of slower speeds – including fuel savings, reduction in injuries and deaths, environmental benefits and community wellbeing? Here are 5 reasons they should slow down on raising speed limits #nzpol
5 reasons the government should slow down on raising speed limits - Greenpeace It is worthwhile considering why the government is increasing speed limits despite extensive research highlighting the benefits of slower speeds – including fuel savings, reduction in injuries and dea...
Companies like Coca-Cola sell about 1 billion single-use plastic bottles in New Zealand EVERY YEAR. A BILLION throwaway plastic bottles. Every year. To mark the start of #PlasticFreeJuly, we used Eden Park to show what that looks like👇
Plastic Free July sees a billion single-use plastic bottles fill Eden Sign the petition to ban the bottle!Companies like Coca-Cola sell about one billion single-use plastic bottles in NZ every year....
Some say the wind isn’t a reliable source of energy in New Zealand. The wind:
“The New Zealand Government and its allied mining industry lobby groups are playing a hypocritical game on climate change and mining.” - Russel Norman
The world already has more fossil fuels than we can use if we want to stay within 1.5c (agreed by NZ). Reopening for more mining is wrecking our whenua for something no one will want in decades to come. Meanwhile, Aotearoa has everything we need to transition to clean energy, except leadership
On the one hand, they deny climate science by seeking to expand oil exploration. On the other, they tell us that climate change means that NZ has a global obligation to expand mining for metals used in the renewable energy revolution, writes Russel Norman
On the one hand, they deny climate science by seeking to expand oil exploration. On the other, they tell us that climate change means that NZ has a global obligation to expand mining for metals used in the renewable energy revolution, writes Russel Norman
Inspired by this poster, my activism began in 1997 when I joined the successful Native Forest Action (NFA) campaign to stop state-owned enterprise Timberlands from logging ancient forests on the West Coast. Now, the Fast Track Bill could threaten those same forests🧵
'Limited evidence' for NZ Govt's approach to farm emissions – officials Failing to reduce agricultural climate pollution will mean the rest of the economy is left to pick up the slack – and the bill – officials warned #TooManyCows #nzpol
'Limited evidence' for Govt's approach to farm emissions – Failing to reduce agricultural climate pollution will mean the rest of the economy is left to pick up the slack – and the bill – officials warned.
People said Greenpeace was nuts in 2009 to predict 921GW of installed solar by 2030. Last year there was 1,419GW. Cost dropped 95% from 2008-20 and it’s dropping faster. There will be vast amounts of cheap clean energy in the future; we just need to use it.
Sun Solar, an energy source that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge
Incredible. A whole opinion piece cobbled together using tired old trolling tropes by a guy with a financial interest in seabed mining.
BOOM! New cameras on boats revealed 3.5 times more albatross were being caught by fishing boats than expected, prompting officials to adopt stringent new protections. A big win and vindication for everyone who campaigned for cameras on boats!
Fisheries NZ adopts stronger-than-expected seabird The on-board camera rollout revealed 3.5 times more albatross were being caught by fishing boats than expected, prompting officials to adopt stringent new protections.
Help remind the oil industry that here in Aotearoa, the resistance still stands strong! Undoing the ban on new oil and gas exploration is one of the most shortsighted, reckless and wrong-headed things this Govt has done. Join the resistance👇
Add your name in opposition to new oil Climate change, pollution and overfishing are pushing the ocean to the brink of collapse. But there is hope. Global ocean sanctuaries can help the ocean recover and thrive.
The Fast-Track Bill, or as it should be known, The Rip, Shit and Bust Bill. My Stuff cartoon today.
My cartoon in today's At the weekend we saw over 20,000 people from all walks of life demonstrating that they do not want this bill to be passed. The hubris and nonchalant attitude towards our people and the environment is breathtaking. #NzPol #Aotearoa #Nz
This is a disgrace, please read and sign. Last year the Springs received a Water Conservation Order (WCO) from the Environment Court. Siren Gold Mining has been invited to fast track an application to mine in the Golden Bay area under Sam’s Creek. #nzpol
Don't fast track Te Waikoropupū! Te Waikoropupū Springs have some of the clearest water ever measured on earth. Last year the Springs received a Water Conservation Order (WCO) from the Environment Court. The WCO gives a special...
Old Shane Jones spouting utter nonsense about oil exploration. It would do nothing to improve NZ’s energy security. (Investing in wind and solar would) We can’t afford to burn even existing reserves if we’re to avoid climate catastrophe. The oil industry won’t risk returning!
Horrific. Under the fast track bill, three govt ministers are set to get power that would allow them to approve killing of tūi, toroa, tuatara, and more, newly released documents about the consenting regime reveal. THIS is why we march on Sat 8 June:
Who’s that swinging through Auckland promoting the