
One last thing about the NYTimes' op-eds and the COVID lab leak. I am not suggesting that the authors "stay in their lane," but if you think you're an expert on everything, you're an expert on very little. 1/
To posit a worldwide conspiracy to hide the laboratory origin of SARSCOV2, rather than a run-of-the-mill explanation (e.g., a virus leaped from animals), requires extraordinary evidence, which one might think would take specialized knowledge. 2/
Perhaps a biologist working on gene therapy & a sociologist have the answers (& they are not just asking questions, they are making a firm case for a lab leak). 3/
But to suggest that perhaps evolutionary virology, infectious disease epidemiology might be requisite skills for an analysis shouldn't be such a shocking thing to say. 4/
And yes, evolutionary virologists and others with specialized knowledge could be wrong; expertise doesn't guarantee wisdom. But in this case, many with experience in study viral origins disagree with the substance of the claims being made for the lab leak. 5/
As everyone has said, knowing the origins of SARSCOV2 may elude us for a long time, but the preponderance of the evidence right now supports a zoonotic origin for the virus. 6/
And just for the record, there are plenty of scientists of every gender working on these issues--to suggest that this is just a sexist attack on the expertise of women is just scurrilous and erases the contributions of women virologists in this field. 7/
It would require a monumental cover-up and doing things in secret. And yet to date - after years of looking - there is not a single piece of documentary evidence suggesting that SC2 was at the WIV before the pandemic. This simple, brutal fact is all you need to know. - a really cool domain parked on The domain name is being parked on Contact the domain owner to make an offer right now...
Some people overtly express Dunning Kruger. 😌 Some of the smartest people I have met go by the following; the more you learn you realize how much more there is to learn. I find this experience to be humbling in general if you think about it.
Absolutely! I love learning about anything and everything, but sometimes it depresses me to know how much I do know and how very much more there is to learn about. There won’t be enough days if I lived for a century more.