
My thoughts on last night's debacle. #DebateNight "At one point, Trump *blamed the insurrection on Nancy Pelosi*, which, I mean, if Tapper and Bash don’t correct the record on THAT, why are we even here?"
Debating, Debasing: Notes on the CNN That was no debate for old men.
tRump went on the 'debate' because MAGA had bought CNN and made sure he could spew his shit unchallenged. Even if Joe had been in top form, the Mango Mussolini would have performed exactly as he did. It wasn't a debate but just a huge stage for him to regurgitate is vile bile. No fact checking...WTF
John Malone is as MAGA as anyone ever born. He's a Colorado guy, similar to Phil Anschutz who owns Gorsuch. He owns CNN and wants to be one of the two left in the Trump / MAGA millennia.
"Debating" with Trump is like trying to have a civil conversation with a 2 year old in a high chair who is throwing food!!!!! Ain't gonna happen!! #Debate
Tapper and Bash looked stern. I can look stern. They should have corrected him.
There was no real moderating on the part of Tapper and Bash, only the asking of questions. They allowed Trump to lie his head off without any pushback whatsoever.
Last night those two may have killed out democracy…
The ‘debate’ was not great. But these guys are both known quantities, and the only angle of attack that resonates is ‘Biden Old’. We had a Trump presidency, it devolved into chaos and insanity because Trump can’t run anything successfully. Biden IS a successful President who had a shit night.