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Woodstock '69 alumni. Artist, writer/poet, vegetarian. Love all things nature, animal, birds. Was banned by Musky right after he carried that dumb sink into Twitter HQ.
Some people write stuff that is peculiar, even objectionable...... #Unfollow #Block
@kurtrisser.bsky.social Do you really believe this?????
Republicans have never been Americans
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Retirees and investors whose common economic interests depend on workforce and market stability, as well as Social Security and Medicare continuity. 2025 looks dangerously disruptive to a sensitive economic balance.
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
BREAKING: Trump has a secret gun owner database, and the father of the Trump rally shooter was on it, targeted as a super-supporter. So America can't have a gun database to keep our kids from getting slaughtered. But Trump can have one to find suckers to support him?
Who did Trump really want for VP? #TRUMP
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
The osprey juveniles have been hunting, sharing a meal, hanging out and responding to the paparazzi at Oceanside's Marine Nature Study Area. #birds
J.D. Vance is perfect for Trump because, like Trump, he can't be trusted.
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Mapping where 'creativity originates' in the brain: A University of Utah study has pinpointed where it says creative thought originates in the human brain. Researchers say creative thought relies heavily on a cluster of cells known as the default mode network medicalxpress.com/news/2024-07...
Study pinpoints origins of creativity in the brainmedicalxpress.com Have you ever had the solution for a tough problem suddenly hit you when you're thinking about something entirely different? Creative thought is a hallmark of humanity, but it's an ephemeral, almost p...
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
I think this is clearly correct
Trump-Vance isn't designed to win over more voters, but ensure the next coup attempt proceeds more smoothly
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
JD Vance makes it official. Donald Trump has now been BOUGHT by Silicon Valley money. Big Tech would have a blank check in a 2nd Trump administration. Peter Thiel will be pulling Trump's strings, just like he does for Vance -- and Elon Musk. So much for the man of the people.
Traffic was wonderful tonight because everyone is "Donny ocean" (Down at the ocean) It is crazy - it gets hot, they go where it's hotter!!! Ocean beaches. It's absolute hell. Thousands packed on the beaches, on the roads, in restaurants. I truly do not understand it. #UpNorth
Pools are telling their patrons to not bring children to the pools. It's too hot!!!!!! In Michigan, we always went Up North.
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
I will not watch one minute of the dumpster fire during the RNC this week. Nor will I watch one minute of the news media spewing its BS this week. #VoteBlue
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
And distantly, above it all, the heron sits and thinks in blue.
I think some of the Hollywood ladies' obsession with their bodies and fashion certainly prove that Barbie dolls are a sick influence for children. #BodyImage
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
So today is pretty bleak and unsettling here in the US but I found an Osprey nest with 4 juveniles so that has to be worth something right? Just focus on the #birds
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Great Blue Heron in spreading branches of Monterey Cypress tree overlooking San Francisco Bay. It was a large, very fluffy heron and spent a lot of time grooming then would look around occasionally. 📷 🌱 🌿 🪶 #Birds, #nature, #Nature Photo Feed, #Photography, #Landscape+Nature Photos
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
I think it's perfectly acceptable for some people -- not necessarily politicians, but the rest of us -- to say something like "Trump has encouraged political violence for the better part of a decade and has been promising to do it with the government if he wins. I do not sympathize with him."
Reposted byAvatar OldeHippi🦋
Whaay, had a Moth in the trap, a Pale Mottled Willow.... #teammoth