
This is like saying humans shouldn't eat because it's not profitable.
Removing most or even many of these departments would mean ceasing to function as a university for all intents and purposes. Looking for cost savings by analyzing department “cash flow” is extremely short sighted, there are a lot of interconnected pieces here that are difficult to disentangle.
A high level finance administrator once tried to tell me (a lowly coordinator) that we would save a lot of money if we didn't use the student activities vans. Imagine how much we could save if we just didn't do anything, instead of providing the education and experiences we promised!
Somebody should tell them that the way they can save most money is by dying and being used as compost (not a penny spent in fancy-schmancy funerals!).
Just THROWING those calories straight in the toilet!
oof. How are they going to complete the remaining degrees of (I presume) computer science with out a math department?
There’s a real baby vs bathwater blindness going on here
Conservatives tend to think of education as vocational training. It’s much bigger than that, and all of it is important.
You joke, but there's Billionaires that prescribe to this idea
im immediately shook by how many definitely believe *that* too😭
Between legislators who hate higher ed starving them for funds and the coming predicted enrollment declines I worry this is going to get worse.
My daughter is a 2013 UNCA grad with a degree in International Studies, focusing on West Africa and sociology. And she is a gainfully employed adult now. And interesting to talk to, as well.