
Removing most or even many of these departments would mean ceasing to function as a university for all intents and purposes. Looking for cost savings by analyzing department “cash flow” is extremely short sighted, there are a lot of interconnected pieces here that are difficult to disentangle.
I’ve become convinced that, at publics, the goal is to dismantle the university and reconstitute as a fancy trade school in the health sciences, computing, engineering of various sorts. It’s not about $$ but what the state government wants to spend $$ on. It’s horrific.
Even with that goal, it’ll be hard to do if you get rid of chemistry, physics, math…. who wants to go to a school where health/programming/engineering/business is all that’s left? (Who wants to hire the engineers that took no humanities coursework?) (And who wants to only teach GER math forever?)
I was briefly premed as an undergrad and there is literally no way to fulfill premed reqs without math, chemistry or physics departments. Organic chem is the traditional premed weeder course. Ditto computing and engineering and math, if not physics.
They want to convert public schools into business schools, which is rich because undergrad business degrees are probably the highest social signal-to-professional knowledge ratios of any degree out there
Fort Tryon Advisors is a financial services firm -- they know NOTHING about academia. Their focus is maximizing revenues for clients: that's it.
maximizing revenues *in the short term. They couldn't care less about more than a year or two ahead.
I keep thinking about John Oliver's segment on Red Lobster the other day, which focuses our attention on the fact that economic decision makers today seem capable of only one thing, which is to find things of real value and liquidate them for cash.
One thing I loved about my University's recent financial statement was "we lose about £3k/year on each undergrad but we're an educational charity, that's literally what we're here for."
Without teaching or research, American universities are basically just very expensive sports clubs. They seem to have forgotten this.
Universities are harmed when they're run like corporations.
Universities have been dying the death of a thousand cuts ever since the first administrator discovered a spreadsheet and thought, “This could be a good way to run things.”
No doubt Biology is a strong producer of cash, but all those profit generating pre-meds will vanish when they realize some janky adjunct is gonna be teaching them Organic Chemistry for the MCAT after the Chem department is fired.
They may not “care” but they do care about that 515 on the MCAT.
Premeds don't care as long as they get an A. Or at least pass.