
"They're selling AI content and paying you to fix it, and at the same time they're sending you emails about how to write like a human so you don't trigger their AI detector," Cowart says. "It's so insulting."
1. This is a nightmare. 2. I am so grateful to every member of the WGA for standing together to win meaningful, enforcable AI protections that will keep this from happening to us. #WGAStrong #UnionStrong #1u
AI took their jobs. Now they get paid to make it sound If you're worried about how AI will affect your job, the world of copywriters may offer a glimpse of the future.
Worth it for the unbelievable section where the president of the American Artists and Writers Institute wholeheartedly defends and promotes machine-generated text.
I had a client try to pull that on me (using/editing AI to make it sound human), and I had to politely put my foot down, even if I knew that meant I would lose the client. Thankfully, they came around. But it was hella scary for a while there.