Benjamin Hunting

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Benjamin Hunting

Freelance writer (, comic book creator (, read the first 4 pages of Dead Air (and subscribe to my newsletter) here:
Context-free excerpt from a PR email I will not be replying to: "[REDACTED], renowned for its expertise in Radio Frequency shielding and its role as doomsday-saviors, has redefined bulletproofing for the EMP era. They proudly present the [REDACTED]™EMP Faraday Car Cover."
Lots of firsts so far with THE EFFECTS OF PICKLED HERRING’s release: 1st middle grade book; 1st published story over 100 pages; 1st time my work is available in libraries across the country; and 1st out-of-state speaking engagements. Looking forward to even more new experiences!
My we do not have a dinosaur sign is prompting a lot of questions answered by my we not have dinosaur sign
Okayyyyyy you asked for lots of hard to draw stuff and I made a lot of nightmare fuel from those requests. In the end, we have 3 deep sea creatures that would prefer that we collectively do NOT destroy their homes via deep sea mining. Try recycling maybe, they say.
Was chatting with a friend, and it reminded me of one of my all-time favorite magazine car ads
Sometimes I like to press my ear to my cat’s side and hear his heartbeat and think about how amazing it is that he’s alive and I’m alive and we are alive together at the same time
Fantastic book that should be on every creator's shelf.
FACT: F&G is the how-to comics handbook I wish I had when I was an assistant editor at Vertigo in the early ‘90s. FACT: It’s recommend for anyone who wants to level-up their comics-making skills. FACT: It’s available NOW in print or digital—->
"Kids are addicted to their phones" often feels a lot like "I am addicted to my phone but am terrified at the thought of not being in control, luckily there are a group of people who are completely disenfranchised so I'm just going to project my fears on to them instead"
2000s: Kids these days don’t believe in anything 2010s: Kids these days believe in too much and also avocado toast 2020: Kids these days have no attention span and are addicted to their phones (rant tapped into Facebook on an Android)
I think the surest sign of Critic Brain is that I’d rather encounter something interestingly bad rather than predictably good. Let people enjoy things? Mister I won’t even let myself enjoy things
3. If your business model involves violating copyright law on an unprecidented scale to destroy another industry with an inferior product just long enough for you to escape with bags of cash before lawmakers catch on — You’re not in business. You’re in organized crime.
I watched three Wong Kar-wai films in a row today and the good news is that love is real, but the bad news is that it only exists to wound us
Tonight''s Dead Air Radio on CIDI 99.1 is focused on two of the most 90s of genres: Euro and Big Beat. On the FM airwaves or streaming at the following link starting at 9 pm.;stream
The Twins won both a game and a headline, nice
The reality is, *most people* aren't ever going to read your comic in the first place. So why cater to them? Make the book you want to make. Tell the stories only you can tell, as only you can tell them.
ANYWAY: Make black and white comics. Make scarily personal comics. Make weird comics that shock and enthrall and horrify and even disgust, don't be "safe," don't be "easy," make exactly what you want. Thank you, that is all.
Posted a while ago: In the early 80s my older brother, in our shared room, as we were going to sleep, explained to me how mutually assured destruction was a deterrent and I asked for reassurance, “so they would never launch?” he replied in the dark, “they may have launched right now.” Good night.
Does it make sense to buy into a classic car investment fund instead of parking a classic of your own in your garage—or parking those dollars in a more traditional investment "vehicle?" I get three different points of view in this piece for Inside Hook.
Classic Car Investment Funds: Do These Portfolios Pay Off? Instead of buying a Jaguar E-type, you can now buy shares in one. Is this a smart place to park your money?