
This is untenable.
“In the US, power demand is expected to grow by 40% over the next two decades, compared with just 9% growth over the past 20 years…” “Data centers are the biggest reason for that demand boom…”
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
This warning about AI brought to you by AI.
I hope that the AI bubble bursts long before two decades.
When crypto-farms started making the news for power consumption, I was concerned. The demands for AI processing gave me totally alarmed. And that’s setting aside the societal implications of not being able to trust any searchable information.
Exactly. Not to mention the hefty environmental impact. There has been almost zero discussion about how AI processing flies in the face of SDGs. Another classic example of moving ahead with tech before we truly understand how it impacts the various aspects of society.
West World covered this a bit in Season 3 & 4.
The response to this will be telling us to shower once a week, get rid of all our house plants, and drink flavored motor oil, but companies will continue to run AI unimpeded
And doubly so with our current posture on nuclear power.
This is the basis of The Matrice.
It's stuff like this that makes people believe there really is some evil group of supervillains running the world, who actively want to destroy it.