
Why are we not seeing dozens and dozens of "news analysis" pieces exploring whether Trump's appalling threat to abandon NATO countries to Russian aggression will hurt him politically?
I'm calling BS on the sort of news analysis that passively says the report has shined a "spotlight" on Biden's age. The "spotlight" reflects editorial choices. The GOP use of something as "ammunition" for an attack shouldn't dictate those choices:
I suppose because Republicans are now a CULT, not a responsible political party that actually cares about doing good things for Americans and getting along with rest of the world. All the GOP cares about is keeping Trump out of jail and owning the libs.
I like how mainstream media is hard selling Biden's age as a new critical problem because he flubs a occasional word after three years of nonstop crisis and sleeping two hours a night. If I had his schedule I would barely remember my own name after a month.
Until recently, you toiled within the belly of the beast. You know why, precisely. And you can name names. Please do so.
You worked at the Washington Post. Any thoughts on how their front page today came about? Did they even consider putting Trump's promise to abandon NATO on it?
Rubio dismissed it as rhetoric w/Tapper
Um...because it won't hurt him politically.
Because unfortunately it won’t due to the hate, ignorance, cowardice, greed, and spineless of Republicans and anyone else who supports him.
Media is no longer Journalism it's just full of Nepo Baby Ivy Legacy Trust Fund Babies who are not interested in a Democratic country they just want to have easy stories and months long trips to places that limit the Hoi polloi. The nature of news is DEAD it's just long propaganda all of it Fascist
because surely the leopards will not eat their faces. again.
Too many outlets going for a decade with "eh, he just says stuff" and too many people in the US are aligned with the sort of white machismo politics Trump and Putin represent. So, you'd probably get some depressing polling on that one
I was surprised WaPo had it as the first story on mobile when I checked this morning (only one story and doing more of a “here is what this could mean” light analysis with a dash of Trump apologist). NYT had it a few stories down, not as a main, and the election section was all Hur political report
Aka you’re right and this will get dismissed as “Trump is just remembering some things from the past differently” or the “you know you should listen to what he says literally”
And why aren't Democrats using that as a pivot point every time media brings up Biden's age? Tell them to go look at the John Harwood interview w Biden and compare it to Trump's lunacy.
What the right knows and uses quite well is things that some democrats think is true. Then uses to pour gasoline on it to make it a fire bomb. As for me ,I'm still risen with Biden
Hate that ppl will dismiss concerns over this bcs he doesn't have the authority as President to do this. Yeah, he'll blow it up and it will take years to get through the Court system, if we're lucky enough to see him challenged on it.
Because the entirety of the government, corporations and media have one common objective: stop the left. Both rightists and centrists will gladly side with fascists against the left. And the right has dragged the center so far right that the senator from MBNA is considered a leftist.