
Another thing and I discuss on this pod is the idea of fossil fuel *militance,* which is different from mere climate change denial. It's the through line connecting Trump's bizarre hatred of wind power, fearmongering about EVs making us vulnerable to China, etc:
We don't talk about this enough, but if Trump wins, he will do everything possible to repeal Biden's climate policies. On the pod, volts is incredibly informative on how disastrous this would be. He also explains a concept called "petro-masculinity":
Trump’s Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You If Donald Trump wins the White House again, his love of fossil fuels and hatred of renewable energy could translate into an absolute catastrophe.
Coal rollers and Carolina squatters blocking EV charging spots. Trumpism is the triumph of high school bullying of nerds.
I saw an “I ❤️ Gasoline” bumper sticker on a truck the other day. That militance is absolutely here
Ironically, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a license and can't drive
Could it have anything to do with the business model of red states and that if they transition away from fossils, the justification for supporting the GOP likely evaporates?
Trump is and was so cartoonishly evil that it’s easy to forget or not notice how destructive he was for environmental policy.