
And is also good on the "Trump crime wave" of 2020 and the absurdity of his lies about Biden crime. Great line: "We have enough say that the Trump crime wave in New York is completely gone." We covered tons of ground in today's chat:
Krugman: Trump’s Mental State Is Visibly Getting Much More With Anthony Fauci revealing new details about Trump's unfitness to serve, columnist Paul Krugman explains why our amnesia about the damage wrought by his unstable temperament is so worrisome.
This quote kills me, in response to a thought experiment I proposed: "I would guess that not one in 10 voters is aware that we had the best recovery among major economies [and] the strongest recovery in the advanced world." Listen to lots more like this here:
Krugman: Trump’s Mental State Is Visibly Getting Much More With Anthony Fauci revealing new details about Trump's unfitness to serve, columnist Paul Krugman explains why our amnesia about the damage wrought by his unstable temperament is so worrisome.
Greg, I like your stuff but don’t like audio very much, is there a way to read your podcasts?
thanks -- unfortunately not yet
Just to add - I've always enjoyed your tweets and Wapo articles, and have clicked on a few of these lately - only to realize they're audio-only. My fingers are crossed for text versions one day!
thank you, I do want to do it eventually!
Converting good quality audio with a limited number of speakers to text is one of the tiny handful of things that “AI” can do passably well. If there is a technical barrier or time constraints for you, I would be willing to help.
If you have an iPhone, bring them up in the native podcast app. There should be a transcript. (They just added the feature.)
I’m sure there’s some AI thing that can do some serviceable job, I think many more will look. Good luck
This. Clicked through hoping for a transcript. No transcript... bye.
I’m kind of depressed that Biden isn’t running his own “Morning In America” ads. In NC he is running plenty of attack ads, but nothing positive. In combination with the attack ads against GOP Gov nom Robinson this is depressing. We need dome positivity now.
…how do voters forget a morally bankrupt… criminally insane… cognitively dissolving… shameless contempt for rule of law… selfish… self centered drunken clown… when it’s on display on screens 24/7…
Who are these forgetful voters he's talking about?