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The finest in paramedia.
…people with more than they can ever use can have even more more-than-they-can-ever-use…
I'd invite you to recognize how often labor-saving devices actually remove from increasing numbers of human beings the ability to make a living from their labor, so that people with more than they can ever use can have even more more-than-they-can-ever-use.
I'd invite you to recognize how often labor-saving devices actually remove from increasing numbers of human beings the ability to make a living from their labor, so that people with more than they can ever use can have even more more-than-they-can-ever-use.
…conservative = unhappiness… immigrants make you unhappy… taxes make you unhappy… the poor make you unhappy… other races and religions make you unhappy… crime makes you unhappy… sex preference makes you unhappy… liberals make you unhappy… only happiness is knowing someone else is suffering…
…read… a fountain of reasonable…
The kid was returning a BB gun to a mall, which is not something that carries the death penalty last I checked. The man—who was a danger—decided the child—who was in danger—was a danger. He was encouraged to do this by our dominant cultural narrative. www.the-reframe.com/cruel-luxuri...
Cruel Luxurieswww.the-reframe.com Those who insist that we all as a society pay the cost of a serious problem they are creating, just so that they can imagine themselves to be the solution. Things we could never afford and should stop...
Ukraine has transformed how we think of power. It is the greatest power of this generation. Captain Arsen Fedosenko saw the war for what it was, knew what it was for, and knew Ukraine must win. He was a piece of great Ukrainian power. My latest: www.greatpower.us/p/ukraine-is...
Ukraine is the greatest power of this generationwww.greatpower.us Captain Arsen Fedosenko showed us the value of Ukrainian victory, and the futures of Ukraine
…read and share… if for nothing more than proliferation of novel phrases… ie… …professionally confused faces… …repetitional immunity…
I wrote about our nation's cult of supremacist bullies, who we're constantly told are better than we think, even as they prove themselves worse than we can imagine. The moral emptiness of moral authority they demand, and how their pig president reflects it. www.the-reframe.com/not-better-b...
The Moral Authoritieswww.the-reframe.com Our country's self-professed moral authorities haven't only failed to be as good as they claim to be. They've proved themselves worse than many of us are able to imagine.
…if we can do it to him we can do it to them…
…hey @nytimes.com… ask trump if he’s gonna accept the results of the judge’s sentence…
…hey non voting american… there ain’t no coming back from another trump presidency…
Cool new audio app! “We have released the audio distribution service Bluecast! A chat function is included, allowing broadcasters and listeners to easily communicate. Streamers can limit listeners to their Bluesky followers and mutual followers. Please feel free to use it!“ www.bluecast.app
Bluecastwww.bluecast.app Audio Communication for Bluesky
…billionaires back to trump… nyt schmidt says it’s wealth preservation… bullshit… billionaires want new slavery… and trump is just the guy to give it to them…
I think those differentiators could help us have these necessary conversations and even necessary fights without them devolving into the sort of fights that split coalitions. And if you’re thinking “too late,” well, maybe, but I hope not, and I also hope you can forgive me for hoping that.
@rickhavoc.bsky.social …putin claims to be a messenger from god… message is “avoid putin and anyone like him…”
…these republicans get near $100k per year in federal handouts…
…this republican gets $70k federal handout every year for the rest of his life…
…i get it… putin needs an engraved invitation… next time we’ll be sure to ask the killers to be more specific…
…wait… didn’t we pay you to make excuses for trump…
@timothysnyder.bsky.social …first takeaway from rtu prologue… dirty billions opened the door to republican eternity…
…fascinating… judges follow strict rules for everyone except trump… www.msn.com/en-us/news/c...
Trump begins to talk up the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which Trump fans have been hyping even thoughmedical experts say it has no value as a coronavirus cure or prophylaxis. "It may work, it may not work. I feel good about. That’s all it is, just a feeling. I'm a smart guy."
…must watch…https://www.netflix.com/title/81614129
…ₜₕₑ ₜᵣᵤₘₚ 𝓬ₒᵤᵣₜ… …next… issues opinion in crayon on used paper sack…
Very cool the Supreme Court is just launching US into international conflicts by refusing to recognize the most basic constitutional principles