
Let's not overlook the vile smears that Fox News/MAGA are pushing about Biden's new policy on undocumented spouses of US citizens. Fox/MAGA are linking it to the awful murder of a young Maryland woman, allegedly by a migrant. That's repulsive. 1/ (new piece from me)
Fox News’s Ugly Eruption Over Biden Immigration Move Has a Hidden Biden’s new executive action is actually about people who live and have roots here. Right-wingers know they can’t win if the debate is about these folks—so they scream “border!”
There's a key tell in the Fox/MAGA attacks on Biden's policy: They all try to change the subject back to *the border.* That's odd, because this policy is all about immigrants who have lived here for a decade or more. I've collected some of these attacks below. 2/
This is ugly stuff. Fox/MAGA personalities are linking Biden's policy to a horrific murder. RNC says the killing was done by a "BIDEN ILLEGAL." Fox is juxtaposing the new policy with footage of hordes swarming the border and even migrant mug shots. 3/
It's a disgusting smear. This policy will benefit 500,000 people who have lived in the US for at least a decade, are married to Americans, have deep roots in communities across the country, and in many cases are *raising American children.* 4/
Republicans are blasting the policy as an abuse of power. But the undocumented spouses of US citizens are already allowed to apply for green cards. Biden's move just allows them to remain here while they access that process, rather than leave the country first. 5/
Other Rs are arguing that the policy will encourage more illegal border crossing. But Biden's executive action only applies to people who have *already* been here for 10 years as of mid-June! Check out one expert's quote on this below. It's a keeper. 6/
MAGA is screaming "abuse of power!" But Congress gave the executive the discretion to grant parole for "urgent humanitarian reasons" or "significant public benefit." That clearly applies here. If you want the details on this, I've got you covered. 7/
Some news: Dozens of legal scholars have signed a letter defending Biden's move as a faithful exercise of the executive's parole authority, in keeping with the law’s intent to create tools to treat certain migrants humanely in unforeseen circumstances. 8/
It's revealing that Fox/MAGA are responding to Biden's move by screaming "LOOK OVER THERE AT THE BORDER!!!" They can't allow the focus to be on longtime immigrant residents, who are deeply integrated into US life and are widely viewed sympathetically. 9/
Biden's asylum restriction led some to claim vindication for Trumpism. That's simplistic. His approach also involves making immigration/integration easier in orderly ways. He can now make this about more than the border. My read of the politics below. 10/
Miller didn't get Trump to build a wall when Trump was president. Miller loves Trump even though Trump pardoned Bannon (Bannon stole from wall worshipers). "--@realDonaldTrump's biz employed illegal workers at 5 golf clubs (at least)."
Melania Trump modeled in US prior to getting work Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that she worked in the seven weeks before her attorney says she had legal permission to work in the country, according to...
When Mr. Magic Marker Head (Miller used a magic marker on his bald head to make it look like he wasn't bald) worked in Trump's White House there were record border crossings. "2019 Is a Record Year for Southwest Migrant Crossings"
The joke here is that many of these immigrants likely are voting Republican because they’re conservative Christians who have assimilated so well they feel American - and republicans now show them that no amount of integration will make them acceptable
This is the heart of the matter. Biden, and perhaps more importantly, his administration think strategically. By enacting the restrictions first he boxed the Trumpers in (not that that matters to them, but still) so that when he rolls out things like this their hypocrisy becomes so apparent. (ditto)
To that end...
Yes, if you don’t like the choice between Trump and Biden, think of it as picking between Stephen Miller and Pete Buttigieg, Steve Bannon and Deb Haaland, Michael Flynn and Lina M. Khan, Alex Jones and Jessica Rosenworcel, or Brett Kavanaugh and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Both sides are not “the same”