
"Trump is like nuclear power. He produces a lot of energy and radiation. The trick [for his advisers] is to keep the cooling tower over the reactor, so it doesn't go into meltdown." On the pod, reporter Marc Caputo is so good on MAGA-world's thinking about debate:
Trump Allies Secretly Fear He Botched Debate Expectations for With Trump and his backers relentlessly smearing Biden as senile, a veteran reporter who’s well sourced in MAGA world explains why Trump allies worry he set expectations for Biden too low.
I just think it kinda sucks that reporting by disaffected conservatives is held up as some gold standard I read the Bulwark piece that originated it, and its even-handed tone with lunacy was frustrating diminishing returns of navel gazing the shallowest of pools is over evident HARD PASS
he's actually pretty sharp in his criticism of MAGA-Trumpworld pathologies in this discussion