
"Trump is like nuclear power. He produces a lot of energy and radiation. The trick [for his advisers] is to keep the cooling tower over the reactor, so it doesn't go into meltdown." On the pod, reporter Marc Caputo is so good on MAGA-world's thinking about debate:
Trump Allies Secretly Fear He Botched Debate Expectations for With Trump and his backers relentlessly smearing Biden as senile, a veteran reporter who’s well sourced in MAGA world explains why Trump allies worry he set expectations for Biden too low.
I just think it kinda sucks that reporting by disaffected conservatives is held up as some gold standard I read the Bulwark piece that originated it, and its even-handed tone with lunacy was frustrating diminishing returns of navel gazing the shallowest of pools is over evident HARD PASS
Caputo is one of the most shameless hacks who has ever lived. Which, these days, is really saying something. The media's dysfunction is catastrophic. This reminds me of when "harsh media critic" Jim Fallows praised James Bennet, *after* Bennet left the NYT. It's all gone to hell.
he's actually pretty sharp in his criticism of MAGA-Trumpworld pathologies in this discussion
The mainstream media leans Republican. To downplay their bias, they seek out ex-Republicans. Never mind that Liz Cheney voted as Trump told her to 93.5% of the time, and backed up his birtherism. Because, ONE time, after Trump was voted out, she voted the same as ALL Democrats, she is now a saint.