
On the bright side, on this pod Andrew Weissmann also goes into detail about why the Supreme Court's recent ruling on obstruction-of-an-official-proceeding will impact very few prosecutions of 1/6 rioters. Useful and illuminating:
New pod: Andrew Weissmann makes a powerful, disturbing case that Trump's threats to pardon 1/6ers and prosecute his enemies mean that if he wins, our justice system could become unrecognizable. "We certainly won't be the country we thought we had." Listen:
Trump’s Ugly New Rants About Jan. 6 Pardons Suddenly Seem Very With Trump escalating his threats to pardon MAGA supporters who attacked the Capitol, former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann explains how this shows the rule of law is in deep peril.
There's only one prosecution we cared about, and Biden told us how that would go on Jan 7th saying he wanted unity with Trump
Trump2 pardoning them all will impact the J6 rioters