
The stunning level of hubris this old white guy has, claiming he had a "duty to act" and thinking that he had reason to shoot because they were not obeying his commands. No, dude, you had ZERO authority to be giving strangers commands. Fuck all the way off.
The fact that they see themselves as the heroic good guys melts my brain with rage
Unfortunately I completely understand how they see themselves that way. The indoctrination is baked into the air they breathe
I'm far less charitable. These are willful adults.
I don't justify or excuse it, but I understand it because I lived it. It takes an incredible amount of empathy and effort to open one's mind that the world as they have always been taught is not just incorrect but maliciously harmful. Most aren't forced to confront that reality.
Seeing the murder victims name gotta wonder if something else triggered the guy who "conducts ‘overwatch'” at the strip mall".