
Yeah. Sigh. I dunno. I wish to christ he had stuck to that. But he didn't. And frankly, I think if anyone could lose to Trump, it might be Kamala Harris.
I'm speaking as a Brit so probably completely wrong, my opinion of American Politics is that the nearer you get to the top the more important it is to still be a white male. Obama was still at least a guy and a charismatic one at that. The damning truth is I don't think the US is ready for a woman.
BINGO. This MIGHT have been the year we MIGHT have GRUDGINGLY voted for a WHITE woman - and then, if & ONLY if she'd been the PERFECT one. (What's THAT? Fuck if I know. NOT Hillary Clinton.🙄) But a BLACK woman? Absolutely not. Our only chance for that is if Biden dies in office. Sad but true.
Obama was elected because he was the PERFECT Black candidate, & he ran the PERFECT campaign at the PERFECT moment. This country is RIDDLED with racism. Perhaps fatally so. I don't know if it'll EVER be diminished enough in my lifetime to see another Black man - let alone woman - elected President.
In an unfortunate way just as we in the UK made fun of Boris it was doing the same of Trump that shifted the focus in a bad way from just how horrific the two leaders were. We sadly actually need our leaders to be charismatic, and that is something the none fascists need to learn and fast.
I would suggest it’s PR and vast sums of money that propel the unsuitable and corrupt into positions of power rather than charisma, because big money pays for compliance. Media spin is that complicit twinkle, turning Boris from a ham brained incompetent into a seemingly jolly old patriot.
Trump was levitated from failing business heir into a captain of industry by the smoke and mirrors of The Apprentice producers, because they needed someone who looked credible.
Most people don’t pay attention to anything beyond skin deep politics because they get in a habit of adjusting to the shitshow, yet still latch on to the name that pops up the most often in their eye-line. Sadly change rarely happens until it’s almost too late, and sometimes beyond that.