
It really is mind blowing that absolutely nothing has happened to Clarence Thomas despite being outed as a cartoonishly corrupt donor-owned political operative.
I agree! Impeach Clarence Thomas! And don’t forget to subscribe:
You might think that a DOJ/Attorney General who was faithful to the Constitution and worked for the American people would be looking into the evident corruption on the US Supreme Court. But this DOJ doesn't operate like that.
Another one of those things where people will move on with their lives because if was really that big a deal then surely all the top democrats would be talking about it constantly
Also impeachment is the bare minimum democrats should be calling for, he should be in jail already
Starting to think relying on the honor system isn't such a great idea for the most powerful people in the world.
I’m beginning to think rich and powerful republicans are above the law…
I think maybe the people who would hold him accountable are owned by the same people.
Some heroic lawyer needs to find ways to jab at this during oral argument
If only impeachment wasn't a political process.
traditional Dems are too busy high fiving Mike Johnson to start doing this
Traditional Dems? Impeachment would require nearly half of Senate Republicans to vote in favor. And a majority of the House. Democrats are not the obstacle here.
They're not even mentioning it, which they CAN do. Because they're too busy doing things like praising Liz Cheyney to actually hamner away at a Thomas impeachment.
Eh, they have no chance with Republicans in charge of the House. And especially not with the 2/3rds vote required in the Senate. There would be a ghost of a chance if there was a Republican president to replace him, but Even that seems impossible with this Republican party.
Do you not understand that this is not about a "chance" it's the optics of actually pushing for the RIGHT thing? And we have an opposing party that can hold almost 70 consecutive votes to end health care for millions of ppl? Do Dems really not at least just care about the right thing??? Seems so?
I don't see the point of it. If Democrats held the House, yes, definitely. But absent that, why bother?
Yeah Uncle Clarence needs to go!