Cadbury Crème Negs

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Cadbury Crème Negs

I just want to have a fun time this time.
It’s wild how the political press does some much writing about peoples’ perceptions while hardly ever acknowledging they’re one of the main drivers of it.
News Analysis: When Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies, the U.S. was confronted with a historical novelty: a felon who once held the highest office in the land. Will the label actually tarnish Trump, as it has so many people over the centuries?
A Mark of Shame for 900 Years. Until Now? “Felon” carries an ancient stigma — one that falls on millions of Americans today. Trump might well redefine it.
Although I’ll give him this - the current DNC national strategy of Doing Things The Way They’ve Always Been Done while ignoring the irregular attacks ripping away their supply lines bears some remarkable similarities to lines of gentlemen in red coats marching through a forest.
Man, you know is dog shit when far right neo Nazi charlatan gives them a thumbs up.
Elon Musk praised the way CNN handled the presidential debate.
Me waiting for the Elden Ring dlc while most of the world is already playing it.
there are millions and millions of americans who are smarter than this, write better than this, and are capable of forming far more piercing and clarifying arguments and yet our papers are filled with this kind of dumb fapping instead
What is the point of this bizarre wishcasting
This feels like one of those “see, this is what will happen under Trump!” But it’s happening under Biden things. Obviously Trump is worse, but Biden is a far right, genocidal bigot from way back. We’re fucked either way.
In today's newsletter I explain that, contrary to what most of the media would have you believe, Red Lobster did not go bankrupt because of its "endless shrimp" promotion. It was endless private equity greed that did it in.
And it works for everything from media outlets to airplanes to stores to video games. How have we set up society such that grinding good things into dust and leaving thousands out of work is the height of financial success? Seems bad.
There’s clearly a (new?) thing where you can make a ton of money by buying or taking over a company or property and just absolutely destroying it. Either by firing everyone or cutting corners until it essentially doesn’t exist at all. Wish I understood how absolutely ruining something is good.
There’s clearly a (new?) thing where you can make a ton of money by buying or taking over a company or property and just absolutely destroying it. Either by firing everyone or cutting corners until it essentially doesn’t exist at all. Wish I understood how absolutely ruining something is good.
Biden is going to get absolutely thumped in November. Just utterly drubbed.
“motivated by ancient desires” directly stems from the West pinning the blame on its centuries of oppression and murder of Jews on Muslims, and rewrites history so that Islam somehow becomes an inherently Antisemitic faith, and Arabs become an inherently Antisemitic ethnicity
Man, Biden is about to get his ass whipped. Trump is gonna win like 47 states. “Well, it’ll be much worse under Trump!” Yeah, great. I’m telling you what’s about to happen if y’all don’t get your old, dumb, racist Dem nominee in order. He’s about to get fucking dunked on.
So the party of free speech wants to shut down TikTok in order to curb speech they don’t like. It’s not surprising at all, Just needs to be said over and over.
“But several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded” (NYTimes on Hitler in 1922). When they tell you who they are, listen.
Oh my god, they’ve gone full mask off. I’m a little disappointed in how overtly stupid it sounds.
Police snipers on the roof at Ohio State watching the encampment.
So I’m pretty sure we’re eventually going to have another Kent State during these college protests, absolutely destroying Joe Genocide’s chances of beating Trump. Trump will be God Emperor whose reign will be ended after a couple more “elections” because he’s old and in terrible shape.
You have to understand that this isn’t any principle except gutter racism. This would destroy the US economy. It would terrorize families. It would rip apart communities and destroy whole towns built on borders. It’s both terrible business and flagrantly immoral
"Half of Americans — including 42% of Democrats — say they'd support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants..."
Exclusive poll: America warms to mass Nearly two-thirds of Americans said illegal immigration is a real crisis, not a politically driven media narrative.
Pack it up. We have reached "Fellas is it gay to have sex with a woman?" There is no where else to go from here.
According to Andrew Tate: 'Any man who has sex with women because it "feels good" is gay.'
You ever listen to some music people are talking about and come to some obvious ass conclusion? Like “man, Beyoncé is good!” Or “wow, that Beethoven had the juice!”
I am really struck -- even as a deeply jaded person -- at just how much more attention the elite media are giving to What is Going on With the Kids at Columbia University compared to the actual deadly conflict with actual geopolitical implications that events at Columbia are reacting to
It says something truly profound about the blinkered view of the American pundit class that they only way they can understand a real war is through their own worn culture war framings.
The framing on this is fucking insane. What do you think makes journalists deranged?
California and its grid operator are grappling with a strange reality: There is so much solar on the grid that, on sunny spring days when there’s not as much demand, electricity prices go negative. Gigawatts of solar are “curtailed” — essentially, thrown away.
Rooftop solar panels are flooding California’s grid. That’s a As electricity prices go negative, the Golden State is struggling to offload a glut of solar power.
Everybody got a few family members they wouldn’t let anywhere near a real responsibility, even the Kennedys. At the Kennedy cookout they’re like “Robby, why don’t you just bring plates and napkins.”
More than a dozen members of the Kennedy family will endorse President Biden's reelection bid on Thursday — formally turning their backs on one of their own, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has launched his own independent run for office.
The Kennedys are endorsing Biden, not their family member RFK The Kennedys have been critical of Robert F. Kennedy's third-party run, which has the potential to draw votes away from President Biden — who the family is formally endorsing on Thursday.
it sure is and you can bet the headline won't be 'Newspaper Faces Criticism for "Irresponsible" Coverage'
is it one of those days where the press is very concerned because someone scolded the press and the press is now going to spend the whole day whining about it?
Journalists just straight up outing every juror is so funny. They are just the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. I swear 99% of the problems in this country stem from 99% of journalists being brain dead ass one day old babies. Journalism school needs to be harder.
Jury selection in Trump's NY criminal trial has resumed, and Justice Merchan admonishes the press: "There's a reason this is an anonymous jury. Press is free to right about anything said here on the record. But please avoid physical descriptions—why mention Irish accent?" (via Inner City Press)