
And nobody fact checked him. I could complain about CNN (you could, too!), but Biden couldn’t do this.
Daniel Dale should quit his job. Jump ship. Go work over at MSNBC with Steve Kornacki, the two would make a great duo. But CNN has officially removed itself from any serious conversation about truth, facts, or moderation.
“If there is some egregious fact that needs to be checked or the record needs to be made clear, Jake and Dana can do that," David Chalian, CNN’s political director, told the AP. "But that’s not their role. They are not here to participate in this debate. They are here to facilitate a debate.”
Where in the fuck was Daniel Dale during the debate?!
The way Trump bullied and lied UNCHECKED the public last night, is how he will treat you when he is in office..Biden is the only choice.