Jeff Thompson

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Jeff Thompson

Television Writer/Producer. I do stand-up comedy instead of therapy. If you don't recognize me I was Jeff Thompson on Twitter. 🇨🇦 🍁 No DMs Please.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
And just like clockwork, birth certificate 2.0 is born
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Cry more, you bitchass nazi loser.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
I ended up going to Florida for three days in early May. I’ve always wanted to see the Kennedy Space Center so I spent two days doing that, then the third day sightseeing. Didn’t go to the beach. I saw two SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches, which was neat.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
In countries were the left/center are having victories as voters show up in great numbers, I am curious how the press in these places report on politics? We have a press credibility problem here in the U.S. which has an impact bc people are hell-bent on watching cable "news".
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Trump will be defeated. Everyone needs to pitch in every way we can. The fascists are a MINORITY. Media is exaggerating their power. Don’t fall for it. United, we will take them down.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Perfectly logical in a better time. This time is not the time! Liberals divided over Bernie and Hillary. See what the fuck happened! Stop it! Stay focused on a single candidate. This is not the time! Don't let them divide us! CNN set that shit up.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
To make it even worse, Yashar went on to accuse Ted Lieu of denying the WaPo report that Lieu advocated for Biden to drop his reelection bid. Remember the reporters that lied, got corrected by others, including the original source, Ted Lieu saying it’s false, & never apologized for lying. Whew!
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Sometimes my scroll gets it right.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Instead of watching @MSNBC today. I baked a coconut rum cake for a favorite co-worker and made 10 pints of salsa. I guess we will watch reruns of Bones tonight. 😂 MSNBC is dead to me except for Lawrence.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Lmao. Jasmine Crockett should add “Barbecued Brain” to her “bleach blonde bad-built butch body” repertoire.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Posting on all NYT posts: "New evidence shows the Trump campaign was raping everyone in sight, and illegally concealing the settlement payments. For the good of the country, Biden must drop out." You have lost your minds. And your credibility. I never thought I would despise the New York Times...
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Patton Oswalt: "The entire back page of the NYtimes Opinion section is a zero pushback interview with Steve Bannon that paints him as a dark rebel with complicated ethics. Fantastic job, shitdicks."
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Trump was accused of sexually assaulting 27 women and he claimed they all lied. Finally, one woman took him to court and won 23 million dollars. The judge determined that he did indeed rape her. NYT & GOP - Silence. NYT - Biden shuffled. Democrats start five-alarm fires all over the media
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Where is the Media Outrage over Trump's Project 2025??? This house of horrors project should be front page news!
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Republicans will soon nominate a person to run for president who loved to hang out with Jeffrey Epstein and fuck the sex-trafficked children Epstein made available to him. Tell me again how Republicans aren't the party of pedophiles and rapists?
Management told The Clash they need to stop playing White Riot because White Nationalists were using it as their anthem. Joe Strummer said Fuck This! They're not stealing our song! Never surrender! Always fight back.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Show me your friends and I'll tell you what you are.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Am I wrong for the strong desire to giggle uncontrollably. As what they thought they would get. Was the exact opposite of what the facts are giving them.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
My favorite:
This is probably the undefeated champion of the genre.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
So Putin’s last hope now is the USA. Brace yourself, America, you’re about to get everything thrown at you.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
France and the UK show us the power of an engaged electorate.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Folks. It CAN be done.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Kyle Griffin: One week in Europe: * Britain rejected the Conservative Party after 14 years in power. * France rejected the far-right, embracing a leftwing alliance with centrists.
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Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
This is what will fix me
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
For those feeling scared look at the UK and now France. The United States is going to have the biggest landslide election in its 248 years and it will be for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Down ballot all blue 💙💙💙
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
Charlotte Clymer: "Most pundits thought Le Pen and her far-right coalition would take over today. The polls just closed in France, and it’s clear they were soundly beat. It’s almost like the pundit class does a lot of talking out of their ass." 🐦
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Thompson
#msm #blackout July 21st - Aug 4th Help show #corporate #media that we are sick of their bs! Let's bring them to their knees. We have the power! 👊 Tell everyone you know.