
a family what
A few months ago a FUNBAG reader asked if I cared when I used the family barf bowl as just a normal cooking bowl when it was off duty, and I said no. But ever since then, anytime I’ve cooked with the barf bowl, I’ve thought to myself okay yeah this bothers me
unfortunately anyone with a kid knows exactly what this is
in my family we just puked into a garbage can lined with a plastic bag or straight into the sink
In the midatlantic norovirus is so pervasive that you just resign yourself to at least one family member not making it that far
Is it really more pervasive there than the rest of the united states?
Believe it or not. I’m from the South and my wife is from California. Neither of us had ever had it before.
It tends to circulate more in the winter (not exclusively, ofc), so I’m not surprised if places with less winter have less of it.
Huh, it's apparently named after a town in Ohio