Gun Metal Gray

Gun Metal Gray

Bringing a little balance to a hypocritical and double-standard world. I take no sides. Consequences be damned
The bitching and complaining here on Bluesky can be just as bad as Twitter/X
Isn’t that like saying Sharia Law is fundamental to Palestine and Islam’s right to existence?
Mastodon folks are just plain smarter than Bluesky folks #science #engineering #math #programming
Weekend hotel stay in Santa Barbara: $389 Boarding for my dog back in LA: $389
Freedom of speech—it’s a right that we Americans cherish. If the Harvard student groups formally voice their opposition to and blame Israel for the attacks by Hamas, I will respect that. But that right comes with accountability—you cannot hide behind the veil of anonymity to exercise that right
I quit Twitter cold turkey and O need a fight. Let’s do this: Texas barbecue is hands down better than Memphis or Kansas City style. And don’t get me started on Carolina
I quit Twitter cold turkey and I need a stupid fight. Let's do this: Chicago deep dish pizza, made properly, is the best pizza.
Lol, you’d think Putin was oblivious to what’s going on in his own backyard #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Russia
When the majority of American Jews gave undying support to BLM, how defeating do you think it was when they saw this?
Low uncertainty vs. high confidence — choose your weapon
MAGA vs Swifties—my $$$ is on the latter big time
Democrat, Republican, whatever—corruption knows no party lines
Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has been charged in a sweeping federal corruption indictment, the authorities said on Friday.
Senator Robert Menendez Is Indicted in New Mr. Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, was charged six years after his trial in a different corruption case ended in a hung jury.
Lol, this👇while I’m reading about the friction between millennials and Gen Z
i am fascinated by how boomers just like, straight up do not understand the passage of time and are constantly baffled by how the workforce, politicians, etc are "all millennials" and "the younger generation" now. yes, that is how generations work
End of feed.