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texan in ma, austin's mom. i am a real lady and i work at a cemetery
Reposted byAvatar cait
any excuse to post this one, happy 4th!!
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Reposted byAvatar cait
Reposted byAvatar cait
happy july 4th
nobody tell them about FDR
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
if you check clearsky, "lists" now includes all the starter packs you're in and i'm in so many!!! yes please inflict me on your friends
he is riding the motorcycle
his friends are out there with him and i heard his friend telling him "jokingly" that he didn't want him riding his motorcycle later bc he's so drunk but he clearly wasn't joking
this guy is outside blowing up what appears to be half sticks of dynamite rn btw
me: we NEED communities. all we have is each other. none of us can survive without connection and humanity and solidarity me after 20 straight minutes of my neighbor sitting below my window and revving his motorcycle as loud as he can:
Reposted byAvatar cait
look how cute i am rolling rolling please give me my afternoon treat
you would not believe how beautiful they let me make my goat
one of the best things about goat simulator 3 is that random NPCs will get caught up in whatever chaos you're creating and then you'll see them in the background beating the shit out of each other
i immediately bought the goat simulator 3 DLC and i am enjoying it very much but i am also getting increasingly frustrated bc so much of it is extremely finicky platforming puzzles which seems like an odd choice for a game where im playing as a goat and the goat controls like shit
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Reposted byAvatar cait
GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public.
Nina Nina Power has lost the High Court libel claim that she and Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me. In the ruling, the judge described their conduct as an aggressive course of bullying with the whiff o...
one of the best things about goat simulator 3 is that random NPCs will get caught up in whatever chaos you're creating and then you'll see them in the background beating the shit out of each other
i had a sip of this and it tasted like a root beer float that wants to hurt me
It’s go time.
is that good
Reposted byAvatar cait
who inexplicably attracts the most insane commenters on this site. jamelle bouie is an obvious choice but if we're going per thousand followers then i think or has him beat
when i was visiting family recently i realized that one of the biggest differences between Texas and MA is that MA has sooo many towns and cities. i drive through like 4 towns in 20 minutes just on my way to work. in Texas you can drive for two hours and still be in San Antonio somehow
Reposted byAvatar cait
Is your job a mess? Did the bear season 3 not fix your soul? Are you in a permanent state of low-level panic attack from watching the end of democracy in real time? Try ordering three sandwiches for lunch. Three sandwiches: the tried and true method for dealing with whatever life throws at you
Reposted byAvatar cait
keep honking! i'm playing goat simulator 3
i was behind this baby in traffic for like 10 minutes the other day
i'm literally still thinking about this
i was talking to the neighbor cat and she was rubbing against the window and now she's soooo mad i didn't fly up there and pet her
i'm going to write a guide on being normal on the internet bc some of you seem to need the help