
It really does fuck me up seeing multi-TB flash drives for $15 when I was one of the last ones to use floppy disks for school projects. So cool. Sorry if this is a bong rip post.
I can still remember how a 1GB flash drive felt like the future.
^^^ Bought my first 1GB flash drive at CompUSA a million years ago and thought I’d never be able to fill it up. I still have it 😎
A 1TB flash drive should usually run you ~$100, if it costs $15 it is definitely lying about its size Still impressive how small data can get nowadays - you can purchase a 1.5TB microSD card, fill it with about 40 hours of 4K video, and then eat it like you'd take a pill. technology is crazy
When I was an undergrad we used zip disks heavily. I'm pretty sure I still have a USB zip drive somewhere.
I still own an external 250MB USB Zip drive. Problem is most of my 30yr old 100MB & 250MB zip carts started wearing out
Tech progress is nuts. My dad predates color TV, and now I've got a machine that renders photorealistic images in real time.
Excuse me while I go load up a QIC-80 tape, and wait half an hour of whirring noises to retrieve some data I need. ;) I do honestly miss those days, something about magnetic media is interesting. Even more so we refer to them as "unreliable" yet many of my old tapes and disks do still work.
Wait, the Commodore has _64K_ of memory????? Why would anyone EVER need that much?
I remember being Mr Big Shits for having a whole GB thumb drive back in the day.
A multi-TB flash drive for $15 is probably a scam, even with technology getting better. They spoof the flash drive to look like it reads that it has a higher capacity, but they're like 16-32gb flash drives. This fools technologically illiterate as well as just flat out is worthless to everyone else.
Audio Cassette was my first storage device, then floppies and flippies. I recall spending $100 on a box of ten TDK 3½" discs, each 800 KB.
I was 10yrs old in 1982, my parents Tandy Radio Shack TRS80 with what 48k ROM/RAM, 10mins to boot TRSDOS from a cassette tape, we only had I think 1 5.25" floppy drive. I learned BASIC, so I could play Oregon Trail.
No, no, you're speaking to a group that understands why you're saying this. I can still remember when a few MB on a stick was riotously expensive. I remember that our first decent home computer had a hard drive of about 400 MB.
Floppies? Back in my day, you’d have to chisel zeros and ones onto a rock tablet…damn kids
In the early 2000's I once paid $30 for a 250mb flash drive
[Smiles in Fortran, then grimaces in SCSI Zip drive]
I never see the TB flash drives only the GB ones. Staples and Target overprice them too.
I bought one of the el-cheapo flash drives from a little known manufacturer on Amazon. Used it one time and it wouldn't mount anymore. Get what you pay for I guess.
If they aren't USB 3+ you can console yourself with the knowledge they are ass Those 256GB CF cards though
I still recall I'm in college in 1992 carrying around 80 diff floppy diskettes for my computer art classes, & one day I get to find the school started requiring us students to buy these 44MB & 88MB SyQuest carts. Not too long later it was 150MB Bernoulli carts.
Farthest back I remember is getting a $30 8Gb sd card for my first phone
A problem with cheap flash drives that you need to be aware of. The chips are not good quality and have a high failure rate. That is why they are so cheap. You don't know how many I've needed to drop at the scrap yard. I often have detection, and disconnect errors with cheap flash drives.
I kept an external A: drive on hand until at least 2012.
*Inhales sharply twice* What? I used to copy games onto my homework disks so that I had an excuse to have them in class. Those were the days!
I agree & every time I think about bad internet I am reminded of dial up 😂 Floppy disks are still very cool in design to me, something very satisfying about using them compared to what we have now.
I still remember dropping my stack of punch cards one time getting ready to load my program into a Burroughs mainframe. That sucked.
We're moving ...not going back , I guess