
Speaking of skill, it is GOOD for protesters to be trained and any of us with skills in movement work and popular education should encourage it and, when possible and within our capacity, offer up training in those skills when and where they are wanted by the next generation.
once again, this is a skill issue
"Outside agitators are training our children" I should HOPE so. Do you know how incredibly trained Civil Rights era protesters were? Do you have any clue how often they were drilled on how to receive literal violence? Those trainings were long and brutal.
It is so telling that the same people who pretend they respect "peaceful" protest act like training is some sign of malign influence. Nonviolent protest requires INCREDIBLE discipline. We are wired to fight back or run when someone enacts violence against us. Suppressing that instinct is a skill.
How do you acquire that skill? YOU GET TRAINED. You run drills. You roleplay and get dragged across the floor and learn to control your body and manage your fear. THAT is how you learn the art of nonviolent protest.
One of the funniest parts in all of this is the “shock” that college students did research, sought out training, and prepared for the task. But we are like a micrometer away from our teaching being labeled “outside agitating” so…