
Time for another hike! This time to see some redwoods.
Found a pool sheltered by the trunk of a tree. It looks like a magic potion.
Redwoods! I love them. Most of this park is new growth trees due to past logging. That makes these aaalllmost huggable.
This is Old Tree. 280ft tall, 12 feet round, 1,200 years old. He wasn't logged because he was determined to be too crooked.
I'm still really into this magic water. It reminds me of opal. If i had dipped my hand in, would it have been a portal?
The size of things was just really impressive. 5ft friend and my palm for comparison. Despite the size making the search for a 4 leaf clover easier, we did not find one.
The hike today isn't as fantasy feeling as my last one, but it's still cool. And as we flipped between redwood areas and not, you could tell the difference in the forest.
Standing in the center of a circle of redwoods. It's a type of fairy ring, i swear. We just stared up and up and up until a woodpecker startled us.
This tree has been twisted like taffy.
The map called this a creek, but it's a big creek! It was a peaceful spot for a snack.
A waterfall! It's awful loud for something called Tiptoe falls, but it is high season. Besides, i like it this way.
One last redwood grove before the hike is finished. It was a good day.