Gwen Tolios

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Gwen Tolios

Reader. Fangirl. Analyst. Ace. Shower singer. Author: RETURNING TO YOU + FAE DREAMS & OTHER SCHEMES
Thunderstorm watching again, but last night looked cooler.
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Happy #NonBinaryPeoplesDay 💛🤍💜🖤 Pls be nice to your nonbinary friends today, and for the other 364 days of the year. #nonbinary #kidlitart 🎨
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Closeup because you should see space in these eyes. 🐍✨
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I think it's helpful to remember that 95% of the people who yell at other people online about voting aren't doing any electoral organizing at all. Yelling online IS what they think organizing is.
Today i read an interview with the girl who came up with Dashcon, and got asked if i wanted to help with programming for a sff con. I feel like the universe is telling me something, but I'm not sure what.
Why is picking wall colors so hard?
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Also apropos of it being disability pride month - another easy thing you can do to make your social media posts more accessible is to use camel case, effectively capitalising each word in hashtags. This is easier for everyone to read and can be processed by screen reading software.
Using the 'up early cuz jet lag' hours to work on a story for my Ko-Fi. I'm so far behind on that story series, but I'm loving this current story.
Doing a first for me! Volunteering for a later flight home - a 2k voucher was hard to pass up.
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McDonald’s announced internally this month that it was ending its partnership with IBM and shutting down its AI tests at more than 100 U.S. drive-throughs after ordering mistakes frustrated customers.
260 McNuggets? McDonald’s Ends A.I. Drive-Through Tests Amid Ordering mistakes frustrated customers during nearly three years of tests. But competitors like White Castle and Wendy’s say their A.I. ordering systems have been highly accurate.
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this is not dumb, this is misinformed. maybe it's deliberately misinformed, or negligently misinformed, but without good accessible education, information, and news systems, it's not a democracy, because voters aren't deciding, they're being manipulated by those in control of those systems.
I listened to an interview with a focus group where a woman from Pennsylvania said she was voting for Trump because Biden got rid of Roe v. Wade. Most voters are incredibly dumb.
New Ko-Fi post for members! Talking about my current editing project, a fantastic Word tip on creating and linking chapter documents, and updates on my Amazon Ads experience.
May Backstage GwenTolios published a supporter-only post on Ko-fi!
Spend an hour looking through saved tiktok videos of book recommendations to add them to my GR TBR. Not the most productive task, but at least i have decreased a fake to do list.
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Last monthly meeting for my writers group before a summer break!
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Are you looking to cancel your Adobe CC subscription? Did you balk at their early termination fee? You can do it for FREE: Love me a good loophole. Make it hurt in their wallet. 👏
Cancel Adobe without paying the cancellation How to cancel your adobe subscription without paying the cancellation fee.
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Behold Jim Tierney's new cover for my novella PRIME MERIDIAN. The ebook has be rejigged with this cover and the print edition is getting a matching cover and redesigned interior.
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When we talk about "taxing rich people" there's folks who think we're talking about Aunt Edna who has the second summer home. The astronomical levels of "rich" that now exist are almost unfathomable to people. It's the stuff of vast empirical dynasties. We're talking about taxing emperors.
The ultra-wealthy will often take whole fleets of cars with them when they travel, loading vehicles, along with motorbikes and other toys, onto chartered cargo aircraft that follow their private jets. This is how they do it:
I don't want to, but as this novel progresses i really should change out 'sears tower' for 'willis tower' even as that pains me. This is the most painful part of editing i swear, because i want to be petty but can't.
A cousin sent out a group text, trying to get up a lunch date this summer, and finished it by saying 'if we exceed 55 people we'll have to move venues'. Like, i know Greek families are large but the local group isn't *that* big.
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In honor of my 10th anniversary of publishing, I've put my first six books on sale! Treat yourself! (Left three are YA, right three are NA, and UNDER THE LIGHTS and OUT ON GOOD BEHAVIOR are the f/f ones!) Convenient buy links are all over my website, because I keep it updated:
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*lays down on floor to sunbathe with cat* *cat leaves* 🥲
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I just found out that Glad Day Books, Toronto's oldest queer book shop and a fixture of our queer landscape & community, is facing eviction. They're fundraising to stay in business. If you're able, please donate! Here's their donation site with more info.
Save Glad Day — Glad